Monday, 2 November 2020

I dont care why

The canal side cafe near where we were moored was one of many local places that provided free meals for children during half term.

I don't care why the children are hungry, whether it's because their parents are struggling financially or whether their parents are feckless.

At the end of the day I just feel that if children are hungry they need to be fed.

I'm not interested in political hot air, people can talk bollocks about the why's and wherefores. 

Just feed the kids!


Poppypatchwork said...

I agree, children should not be hungry, some as you say feckless parents will never change, and we do need to support these children.

Sewing mamie said...

It,s a terrible indictment on society when members of parliament with their large wages and perks do not deem it nessesary to feed the children . I take my hat off to all the individuals and businesses who have shown the government how people in a civilised society act .

Sue said...

Exactly ... well said.

keth said...

It's an old, old idea, that unfortunately still has traction, of the difference between the deserving and the undeserving poor. People have been making decisions and judgements based on this for centuries. Not saying it's right (quite the opposite), just saying that this is an old, very entrenched idea, unfortunately not one that will be dislodged easily (historian, here!). But i agree: just feed the children! It isn't hard. gah!

Mrs G said...

Totally agree. Whatever the reason is it is not the fault of the children so let's feed them

Anonymous said...

I agree it's not the fault of the children. But it's galling to see some of those kids with the latest must have gadgets and designer wear which the parents have too. When there are people happy to feed those kids the parents will be happy to send their kids for it while spending their money on desirable huge screen televisions, the latest gear, alcohol and whatever else.

Not all those kids come from poverty stricken homes. It's the same sort of thing as those going to the food banks after parking their new big gas guzzling cars around the corner out of sight. I've seen it happen.

Rambler said...

The cynic in me dares to suggest that the meals provided by these businesses are probably more nutritious than the 'meals' provided at home.

Angela said...

It doesn't matter if the parents are responsible or irresponsible. As you say, what matters is that children are fed. Perhaps the government could give up their subsidised meals in the House of Commons restaurants and send the money to the food banks instead...

Joyce said...

I agree! It is the same on this side of the pond, feed the kids, documented or undocumented. No one deserves to go hungry.

Ellen D. said...

I agree that children need to be fed. It is shocking that children go hungry in this day and age.

Theresa Y said...

Well said...

Bettina Groh said...

When kids were still going to physical school my daughter's , a teacher, school district fed all the kids breakfast and lunch. No one would know which kids needed to be fed and which ones didn't. No one could make fun of the poor ones!! I really liked that ...I worry about who feeds those that need it, now that they are all going to school virtually.

Catriona said...

Agree totally with what you have said-provide food for children so that they can grow and learn.

Chris said...

So true, what ever the reason, children should not go hungry.

Thank you for the Brianna's Reunion Capelet pattern, We watch Outlander and are on series 3.. little else gets done on days when we switch on!!

Debby said...

I will never understand why this is so controversial in MY country. I am sad to find out that it is no different in yours.

Amanda said...

...for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...