Tuesday, 24 November 2020


 We went to l look at the Christmas decorations in the garden centre, they were very pretty. 

I didn't buy anything as I don't decorate the boat. I may hang a cluster of mistletoe up but that is for Yule and I hang it against the wall so it is not for kissing under.

I used to love Christmas, not the money side of it. I loved the lights, the music and the sparkle. Steve has always hated Christmas and his continuous whinging eventually ruined my love of it and now I ignore the event as much as possible.


My Piece of Earth said...

I know what you mean about Christmas, It certainly not the same when you don't have little ones who get so excited about everything.
Me, my children and all of their families get together after Christmas, no meal, a table of finger foods to which each family contributes something. It's a bring your own beverage too. I give family members under 18 years old a gift and it is never toys, usually clothes or money. Hubby and I usually have his family, son, wife and three grands and his daughter, if my daughter is not working she, SIL and two grands all come for dinner. This year is going to be different due to the virus, so it will be just the two of us by the looks of it. I plan on having a small turkey with all the trimmings though.
One small tree, (about 12 inches high) will be the only decoration.
We do not give each other gifts, we do not need or want for anything.
I sound like a real old Scrooge.
Hugs Patricia

Anonymous said...

I liked Christmas when I was young but my father mocked me constantly for years until eventually all the enjoyment was sucked out of it. I put up a show for my children when they were young but it was always a chore. They are all grown up with children of their own now so I don't have to pretend so much!
Alison P

Ellen D. said...

The holidays can bring up many memories (good and bad) and so traditions can evolve over the years. I too enjoyed Christmas more when my kids were young. I still put up decorations but fewer and this year I don't know how much gathering we will be able to do. The grandkids are the most fun but I am not sure who will be able to visit this year. Thanks for answering my question about decorating your boat.

ana s. said...

Add me to the list of keeping Christmas very simple. I despise the commercialism that has created the monster of presents and expectations and lost the wonder, gratitude and love. ana USA

Debdor said...

Please just put up some twinkle lights. I have them in a few places around my flat that I leave up all year round, and they really lift my mood. Especially when you are going to work in the dark, and coming home in the dark. I get good ones from either Wilko or the pound shops that take AA batteries, so you wouldn't need to drain your power...

savannah said...

Please don't let any one steal your joy from you.
The world is full of miserable people, they want you to share their misery.
Enjoy the spritual beauty of the season. Surprise a little one with a teddy bear,bake a neighbor some cookies. Go see the Christmas lights,have a cocoa.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas!

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I'm saddened that others ha e stolen the joy of Christmas from you. Not the commercial side but the songs, joy and beautiful decorations.

Debby said...

Taking the joy out of anything is an awful thing to do to someone you love. I am sorry that it happened to you. I love Christmas. My husband was raised that the joy of Christmas was Jesus and that anything else was a distraction from it. Then I come rolling into his life with boxes and boxes of Christmas. Poor man never knew what hit him.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...