Saturday, 14 November 2020

Bride's nighty

It's raining hard and has been all day.

The marina staff are doing regularly at patrols to check that all the boats are safe. If their ropes are too tight and The levels rise The boat can list. The staff will also be checking pram and cratch covers as they can sometimes fill with water.

The water levels are up and down like a bride's nighty on her honeymoon.

The rains is hammering down and the staff at the nearby mill are manning the sluices attempting to keep the water levels even.

When I get off the boat to walk Beano there can be anything from a six inch step down to a four inch step up.

Without the sluices being manned we'd be up on the grass by now.


Chris said...

I guess it can be rather nerve-wracking during inclement weather.

Debby said...

I have never heard that expression before! You gave me a laugh! Stay dry!

Sue in Suffolk said...

We've got your rain here in Mid Suffolk this morning - dark as pitch and pouring at 8am

mamasmercantile said...

My goodness I hadn't realised how difficult life on a boat could be. It must be quite the worry working out the levels. Take care.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...