Thursday, 31 December 2020

Happy New Year

I won't stay up to see the New Year in, I never do.

I don't make New Years resolutions either.

Let's hope next year is a better year.


justjill said...


Chris said...

You and me both, Hester! All the best for 2021.

JanF said...

New Year, New Post Brexit Britain and (for us) a new President. It is sure to be better.

linda said...

Happy new year!

Carruthers said...


Happy New Year!

mamasmercantile said...

Happy New Year.

Col said...

Happy New Year Sue & Steve,
We didn't stay up until midnight, made no resolutions, but are just glad to see the back of 2020!
Here's hoping for a better year for the world! X

Ellen D. said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!🍾🥳 May the new year bring you much peace, good health, joy and suitable calmness. All that is needed to make your life sweet,

Debby said...

We made it until midnight. Not much longer, though.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...