Thursday, 17 December 2020

In out, in out

We are doing the covid hokey cokey here, we are in tier three.

It won't make a lot of difference to us, we shop once every week to ten days, we eat out occasionally, I'm finding it hard not seeing the grandchildren or anyone else.

I had a brief word with DD1 when I collected some parcels today, I'll see her next week again just for a few moments when I drop off the Christmas presents.

Steve won't have the vaccine when it's available as his mum had the flu  vaccine every year and it made her ill!

I'll have it as soon as I can, I've never had the flu jab as I haven't had flu since I was about 16. 


Col said...

Oh Sue, Please have the Flu vaccine!
I hadn't had Flu since I was seventeen in 1975, so was never worried about it. However, I got full blown Flu four years ago, and it took me almost three months to get fully right again! It was dreadful, I was out food shopping, felt fine one minute and then, like a bolt from the blue, I was perspiring, barely able to speak, aching all over, and only just having the energy to walk. I left husband to pay for the shopping, waddled (or rather, wobbled) my way to the car and waited until shopping was loaded in car and I was driven home. I went straight upstairs, bedded down in a spare room, and hardly got out of that bed for more than a week! It's honestly not worth it to take the risk of feeling that way!
I'll be getting the Covid vaccination as soon as I can too, I want my life back!
Does Steve realise that even if you're vaccinated against Covid, you could still carry it to him? Just because vaccinations made his mother ill, doesn't mean he'll suffer reactions to them. He probably wouldn't stand much of a chance against Covid, so he really should get vaccinated against it, even if only so that you can have some sort of proper life style. He can't reasonably expect you to get vaccinated but still curtail your activities so as to protect him surely? X

Margie from Toronto said...

I think you are doing well - especially as your rules over there seem to change daily!
I had never had the flu shot as I haven't had so much as a sniffle for the past few years but this year I got the Prevnar 13 (for pneumonia) shot first - I had a sore arm and a very slight fever for one day (and I was told this was normal) - didn't even bother with a Tylenol. A week later had the high dose flu shot - no problems at all (and I have severe allergies and carry an Epi Pen). As soon as my name comes up I'll be getting the Covid vaccine - yes, I will have to be cautious due to the allergies but I've checked with an allergist and it doesn't look as though there should be any problem - I'll risk it!

Rambler said...

I strongly recommend that you ask for the flu vaccine as soon as you can - and Steve needs to realise that the way his mother reacted has absolutely no bearing on how he might react. I've had the flu jab every year since I turned 60 and only twice have I even felt the initial 'prick'. No other side effects at all, no swelling, no aching and definitely no feeling ill. I am so glad that a vaccine has been developed to protect us from catching the dreadful coronavirus - I'll be first in the queue with my arm bared ready!

Kim said...

Happy to hear from you, it does sound a bit like a kind of crazy dancethere...and here and everywhere! My sister is tier one and my dh and I are tier two....we are all seriously doubtful about the vaccine, for a number of reasons, but we’ll just have to see how it all goes.

I havent been out of the house in a while except for Med appointments....I’m happy to stay home and stay healthy. Doubly so because of our lovely snow yesterday!

crafty cat corner said...

Tom has the flu vaccine every year and suffers no ill. I have had it twice and both times felt ill for a week after. For me I shall wait a bit a see how things pan out.

50 and counting said...

Unless Steve has had an allergic reaction to the flu vaccine in previous years, there is no reason he shouldn't have it.

I have it every year because of work. The most I've had is a sore are and feeling a bit blurgh in the following day

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...