Monday, 28 December 2020

A Christmas past

 I've just been for a legal, socially distanced dog walk with with DD2, Beano and Loulou both had a great time and both got covered in mud.

DD2 and I were reminiscing about Christmas when she was a child. The one she remembers really well is the one where I was working until gone midnight Christmas eve. I was getting a cabling order ready for our installers to fit during the Christmas shutdown and was working 18 hours days.

The installers collected the order just after midnight, I then started to prepare food and wrap gifts. The mother in law was staying as she was a widow, she wouldn't stay with her other son as they were JW and  always had egg and chips on Christmas day.

The other in-laws were due on Boxing day, personally I think sis in law used her religion as an excuse to be lazy as she always put loads of Christmas decorations up and gave gifts. I had cooked turkey, ham, beef and pork, loads of different veg, roast potatoes, pigs in blankets and yorkies I'd made lemon meringue pie and trifle. I'd also made three dozen mince pies. I was working from Boxing day onwards so I'd made loads of food so everyone could help themselves over the next couple of days.

Christmas day started early with the children opening their presents, I'd bought my husband a gift voucher for a flying lesson, he complained that one lesson was pointless, he bought me a box of Dairy Box chocolates. The mother in law complained endlessly because I hadn't made a Christmas cake, I never made one as no one liked it.

I served Christmas lunch from my hot trolley and placed the trifle and lemon meringue pie on the dresser beside the table. 

By now I was feeling sick with exhaustion having not slept at all the night before and from working long hours for the previous week.

We took our seats at the table when the mother in law spotted the trifle and lemon meringue pie. She immediately launched into a complaint about the lack of Christmas pudding. Something else I didn't make as no one liked it.

I stood up, walked to the kitchen, slammed a tinned Christmas pudding down in front of her, I'd bought it specially for her, I turned and went to bed and left everyone to it. 


Col said...

Some people are just horrible, there's nothing they can do about it, but it's a shame we're not allowed to poison them!
I was fond of my maternal grandmother, mainly because she was family. If she'd been just 'someone' I wouldn't have given her the time of day!
One particular Christmas she almost ate and drank us out of house and home, the only thing she didn't eat was a mince pie, every time she was offered one, she said "No thank you, I don't like them anymore".
When she went on to an Aunt's home for New Year, she walked into the house and said "I spent almost a week at our Betty's house, and didn't even get a mince pie"!
This year my ninety year old father in law chose to stay at home alone in his apartment and clean his kitchen and bathroom rather than visit us for lunch, as "I don't want any of that foreign muck you serve up". That will be the sausage meat, chestnut and cranberry stuffing, and brussels sprouts with bacon and chestnuts, followed by home made Christmas pud, home made Christmas cake and home made mince pies. 'Foreign muck' indeed, cheeky bugger!
I'm sure most families have one!

Anonymous said...

We put up with that sort of nonsense when we’re young, don’t we? !
Certainly wouldn’t now!

Joyce said...

The MIL might have had a time removing the tinned pud from her posterior if she’d pulled that at my house. It is damned difficult to provide everything anyone would like.

Sally said...

Sue you are well rid of that selfish woman and her son. I hope you had a better more reasonable Christmas even though this year hasn’t been great for any of us.

Ellen D. said...

I remember years ago when I served lasagna for Christmas and my FIL said, "I can never tell what dish you are serving but at least it tastes good!" Sort of a backwards compliment, I guess!

flis said...

You could have shoved the trifle in her face.I had a trouble making mother in law who was a real misery because there was No trifle-she sat moaning with a slapped arse face for the whole afternoon x

Anonymous said...

Sounds like my ex in laws. I remember collapsing with exhaustion every Christmas day after preparing a big spread for 16 people, none of whom helped me. After working at a low income job I used to buy presents for over 20 of them, and none of them ever gave me anything. My husband usually gave me a tin of cheap biscuits which he mostly ate anyway. I have finally left him now! J

Debby said...

LOL. Sometimes, enough is simply enough! My husband's family just simply got used to ignoring his father's poor behavior. He was a minister. He sat down at our house and began mocking my husband. As usual, my husband sat quietly. I said, "You will not come to our house, sit down at our table and mock the head of this house. It may be politely ignored in your house, but I'm telling you that every time that you do this in front of me, I am calling you out on it, and I don't care who is sitting there." He was so outraged he left the house and did not darken our door for years. My husband was quite touched. It needed doing, and in my family, we didn't sit quietly.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...