Sunday, 6 December 2020

By 'eck its cold

The temperature hasn't risen above 1 degree all day. Beano's walks have been very short, that's Beano's choice, not mine.

I'm wearing Motown clothes, Four Tops, I'm also wearing thermal long johns, short socks and welly socks.

I cooked Steve a full English for breakfast and roast chicken this evening, it warms the boat up when the oven is on. We have had the stove on too, the kettle sits on the stove so it boils quickly for hot drinks.

Shawl number two is being crocheted thought sometimes my hands are too cold to grasp the hook.  My hooks are either bamboo or have plastic handles so are warmer to hold than metal ones. 
Shawl number one has gone to a new home, this one is done using fewer colours so there wont be so many ends to weave in.


busybusybeejay said...

Love the colour combination.Barbara

Ellen D. said...

I got a smile out of your "Motown clothes - Four Tops"! Crocheting with a shawl growing bigger on your lap must help you stay warm too. Looks pretty!

Chris said...

That is chilly, especially if the sun isn't shining. The recipient of your lovely work is a very lucky person.

Mary Bolton said...

Weaving the ends in is my least favorate part of the project. Nice colors!

JanF said...

This is a lovely one, such muted colors. Keep safe and warm. Your meals sound wonderful.

keth said...

Just a thought: have a look at turtle doves' fingerless gloves. They're made of cashmere (from recycled jumpers) so not cheap, but I tell you what, they're worth it in terms of keeping hands warm. If it's out of your budget then maybe look to make something similar? the fingerless part makes it easy to do anything you need to do with hands, the only thing you can't really do is anything that gets your hands wet or mucky, obviously. i find i can't write in regular gloves, even ones that end 'short' because of the bulk, but these I can. I asked for a scarf 'loop' from the same company and it keeps me SO warm, it's lovely.

Hope it helps! xxx

Anonymous said...

Aren't you hooked up to electricity now you're in the marina? Indulge and buy some heaters! There are so many differents sorts, the oil filled radiators come in various sizes and are very efficient and economical. They have a timer too so you can get up to a warm boat. Ridiculous to be cold and with fingers so cold you can't crochet.

JanF said...

I just had a thought re Keth's comment. Sometimes you can find ugly old fashioned knitwear which is cashmere in the Charity Shops. You could cut one up to make the fingerless gloves.

Debby said...

I hate to think of you being so cold. Can you buy an electric blanket at least?

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...