Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Wittering on

 I've had two mother's in law, one did her utmost to cause trouble, even to the extent of claiming my first born was not her son's baby. DS1 is the spitting image of his dad but you can imagine the problems her comment caused. My other mother in law was lovely. I've always tried to be a good mother in law, offered help but not interfered.

I'm at a loss with the tier four rules but since I leave the boat only to walk the dog a few times a day and to drive Steve to the shop, weekly, I don't think I'm breaking any rules. I actually don't care, I'll just carry on as I am. I've walked with DD2 and her dog, I've not seen DD1 since before Christmas, and then it was just to collect parcels and drop off gifts on the doorstep. I shall continue this way what ever tier we are in.

We had a pump out this morning, it was cold but not raining and we thought it best to get it done before the marina freezes over.

The water pipes on the marina are frozen but fortunately we have a full tank, we will keep an eye on the situation and top up when the pipes thaw.

Steve has complained that we eat too much chicken, he'd like more variety, I suggested that as he does the shopping he buys something different!


The Weaver of Grass said...

Never a bad idea ro have a witter now and again - clears the mind.

JanF said...

That's funny! I laughed outlaid to read Steve complaining about the shopping!

Kim said...

Sounds like you're doing fine, rule wise, to me. Mother in law is a tough job, mine used to tell me how wonderful her OTHER son was and how glad she was my husband actually found a decent (her word) wife. She was just sure he wouldn't find someone to "take him". You sound like your bad experience has just made you want to do even better, I think you sound a very good MIL indeed.

Ellen D. said...

Good answer!

Diary of a Nobody said...

If my husband complains complains about the food or the cooking in anyway I suggest to him that he might like to take over the catering arrangements , that shuts him up pretty damm quick I can tell you .

Heather said...

My husband is one of 6 and MIL only really liked her girls. I love my Father in law, he tells it, as it is. So many years ago he told husband, well you know your Mam has never liked Heather, and did she show it. Our children always felt they were the ones left out and the one year my husband was away (RN) we were the only ones not invited to join the family at the local pub. Still, you get over things. I'm now MIL to 3, not an easy job!!

Joyce said...

Ah, first MIL was at the back of the church, just after we said our vows “This is the worst day of my,life” said she...and we were off to the races!

ShellyC said...

My mother-in-law was brilliant to be honest. After the divorce she was more worried about me stopping her seeing her granddaughter. But never one for weaponizing my girl their relationship carried on until her death.
My current partners mother was also a lovely woman, very welcoming towards me and my girl. I always find it such a shame when mother-in-laws become trouble makers.

Siebrie said...

My MIL didn't like me at first, because I stopped my husband from sending her cash. She's African, and living in Africa, in an isolated town that she has never left. Husband is the middle child of 10. MIL has grown to like me now, because even though we don't send cash, we have renovated her house and arrange for her diabetic medication and checks. We help his brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces with their projects, but hardly ever with direct money, almost always indirectly (we learned that the hard way...). Other than that, we don't share a language, so she's off my back most of the time, and husband keeps her off.

mobag2 said...

My mum, who only met her mother in law when she and my dad had been married for 15 years, always used to say she had the best mother in law (years later) Everyone used to say "oh is she lovely?" and mum would reply "no, dead"!!! If you had met her you'd know why!! I thought it was hilarious!

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...