Tuesday, 8 December 2020

I've got another one ready

Steve mentioned today that the notebook we use to our shopping lists was nearly out of pages. I told him I'd got another one ready to use. He's considering having "I've got another one ready" engraved on my grave stone. I rarely run out of anything as I always stuff as backup.

Shopping yesterday and more crochet, nothing else of interest.

Today Beano and I walked just over three miles, I managed to collect some ivy that CRT  had cut back and a few snippets of holly. When we got back I took some twigs that were destined for the bonfire and I've made to pentagrams, I'll post a pic once they have the greenery attached.

We had a disturbed night last night, one of smoke alarms started to chirp as the battery was running low. I couldn't work out which alarm it was, we have far too many on the boat, even my son who is a firefighter says so. I had to wake Steve in the end to track down the culprit and replace the battery. It then took me ages to get back to sleep.

I have a few pairs of fingerless gloves but I can't knit or crochet with them on, Keth, the turtle dove ones are lovely.

Being plugged into the electric on the marina isn't like being connected to the mains in a house, what we run has to be juggled as there is only 16 amps to each boat. If we have a heater running we can't have the immersion on, I can't run the vacuum and the washing machine at the same time.


Chris said...

Your electricity sounds complicated. I'm glad I don't have to think about what to use and when! I would be continually blowing a fuse.

ShellyC said...

Be prepared is always my motto.
My ex husband used to try to insult me by saying I was the most organised person he ever knew.
Unlike him, that couldn't organize a pith up in a brewery

Debdor said...

Why is it that people are mean about us organised people, but are always the ones in need of whatever it is that we have...

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

You sound just like me, always having a spare.

crafty cat corner said...

I used to make pentagrams out of twigs and hang them all over my allotment when we had one. Look forward to seeing yours.

Carruthers said...

Just a thought off the top of my head. Perhaps you do it already... Couldn't you use electricity at night to charge batteries you use during the day, to supplement the electricity you can use during the day?

Margie from Toronto said...

I'm the same - I hate to run out of things! If there's a sale then I buy IT now! I'm also very organized - friends claim my pantry is alphabetized - I'm not quite that bad..... :-)

JanF said...

You are obviously super organized and enjoy being that way. I imagine that is the best way to be when you live on a boat! Folk tend to get sloppy with lots of extra space around us. I hope all your preparations for Christmas, however you choose to celebrate, will go well. Here we will be alone but have a lovely meal and 'phone our dear ones.

keth said...

They are lovely - shame they wouldn't work for you when knitting/crocheting! They also do wrist warmers (like the fingerless gloves but no thumb hole - so you tug them as far down your hands as you can get away with). They might be a better option?


Debby said...

Excuse my ignorance but what is an immersion?

Rambler said...

A camping store is the place to buy low wattage electrical items. I've been a camper for many years and all camp sites have a restricted allowance for electricity usage, so woe betide anyone who manages to 'blow' the supply - the most unpopular person on site!!!

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...