Saturday, 24 April 2021


 Debby I did laugh at your udderly delightful comment.

The wind seems less biting today and it's sunny.

I have washing sloshing about in the machine as there is enough solar to run it.

There are lots of of boats moving on the canal, Will has moved because of the fourteen day rule, Ian has moved for the same reason. Lana has moved on to look at a permanent mooring. The fourteen day rule states that boats can moor anywhere along the tow path for 14 days unless there is signage to say that mooring is restricted to a shorter time.

There have been hire boats returning to  base and some just setting off, one hire boat travelled all the way to Windsor, another only travelled a few miles, as far as the Cunning Man pub and stayed there for their two week holiday.

The tow path is busy with runners, joggers, bikes and dog walkers.

There are so many plants on this boat moored near us, not flowers or vegetables but cacti and bonsai trees.


Margie from Toronto said...

I've been doing a bit of reading and watching Youtube videos of all the rules and regs that are involved with life on the water - it certainly seems to be challenging! Do most of the people you know stick to the same area or are there moe adventurous cruisers out there? I understand that you are constrained by family and doctors etc. and of course having a larger boat now, but just wondered if you know of people who travel widely on the canals?

Ellen D. said...

That's nice that you make friends with the boaters that come and go around you. Do you meet up again at other locations as you move?

The Weaver of Grass said...

looks a lovely mooring.

Hard up Hester said...

Ellen, some we do, some we never see again, sometimes we don't moor if we recognise people we want to avoid.

It is lovely Weave.

Margie Some people travel many miles along many canals other cruise the bare minimum.

Debby said...

It seems like such an idyllic life...

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...