Friday, 14 May 2021

I can hear music

 And voices and the phone and the tv!

Yesterday I collected my new hearing aids, the Bluetooth facility works brilliantly on the phone and I can hear really clearly.

The Specsavers I used is in a large supermarket so I went shopping as soon as if had them fitted. They sounded a bit strange to start with but by the time I left the shop I was used to them. 

I parked near the tow path and started to walk home when a boater asked me where the best place was to park. I told him and then chatted for about 10 minutes, it was wonderful to be able to good a conversation.

The aids are rechargeable, they charge overnight, as shown in the pics. I cannot add the pics where I want as I'm using my kindle fire and it's a law into itself at times.

I have connected my aids to my computer but I can't connect  them to my kindle tablet, the audiologist did say this would probably happen.


Rambler said...

How wonderful to have proper, working hearing aids at last! If Specsavers can provide them, what on earth is wrong with the professionals who you've asked previously??? All that frustration you have suffered. Anyway, I'm so pleased that you are able to hear and hold a conversation again.

Hard up Hester said...

Rambler, I'm not eligible for Bluetooth aids in the NHS, these are private.

Moira said...

If you have the money spend it on things that make life easier and thing that you enjoy. You have cracked both it is worth the money. My husband also has expensive hearing aids it has stopped fights as he no longer miss hears me. It is wrong that once you retire the NHS does not care anymore, that you do not matter.

Jan said...

So happy for you! My husband's mom got a hearing aid yesterday, and her daughter was so happy to be able to finally have a conversation with her that she cried!

The Weaver of Grass said...

I am seriously consiering Specsavers as my NHS ones are no longer satisfactory and the clinic is closed during lockdown.

Beacee said...

Congratulations! x

Alison said...

I am so pleased for you that your new aids are opening life up for you. My own NHS aids don't seem good enough now. You have spurred me on to starting a savings pot to aim for ones such as you have. Having eye test at Specsavers in a few days so will find out about their hearing services. May have to have new specs first though.

Rae said...

I am so happy for you. I know you have continued to get more and more frustrated. I have noticed difficulty in hearing, myself, and it seems to be getting worse. I have contemplated a very similar hearing aid. This is encouraging. I hope you have continued success. Ranee (MN) USA

Bettina Groh said...

wonderful news!!

Sue in Suffolk said...

How brilliant that you are now able to hear all the things you have missed.

crafty cat corner said...

That must be wonderful for you. Tom has Hyperacusis and there is nothing that can be done, therefore I am like a parrot constantly repeating every sentence, lol

Tina said...

The NHS has said Bluetooth aids will be available later this year, free of charge. Our hearing clinic (NHS) has put my husband's name down to have them. We were told they'll be available when we said we were thinking of going private. They'll be available all over the country and they'll replace the old style ones with these for anybody who wants them besides offering them to new patients.

Eleanor said...

This is obviously going to make such a difference to your everyday life. You must be delighted!

Col said...

Congrats, I'm well chuffed that you can get a good part of your life back! X

Debby said...

What wonderful, wonderful news! I'm so very happy for you!

Ellen D. said...

That is great news! I may have to look into replacing my old hearing aids as I don't find them working as well anymore...

Witch Hazel said...

I'm so pleased that your aids are exactly what you hoped for. I told my Mum about them when you metioned them originally, and now she is trying to get an appointment at her local Specsavers to see about getting some (probably the same as you got, in fact). Hearing that yours are working out well is great news.

Jane McLellan said...


CarolW said...

My Name is Daniel. I live in Iowa with my wife. I’ve been wearing hearing aids for about 10 years and hate them. I read an article about Bluetooth hearing aids an wondered if you could share more of your experience with them.

Do they only with work electronics or do they also work in conversations?
Can you hear people speaking clearly when there’s background noise?
Do they cancel out tinnitus?
What brand do you have?
How much did they cost?
Are you happy with them?
Are they better than regular hearing aids?

Thank you.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...