Wednesday, 14 February 2024


I was very dizzy y'day evening and when I woke up during the night.

I'm pretty sure it is caused by sinusitis, it will pass eventually.

 Beano only wanted a short walk this morning as it was raining, fine by me. I don't mind bad weather but I could do with some extra sleep at the moment.

We have pancakes in the summer house this afternoon, Betty is making them.

I have a fridge full of leftovers that I'm I need to turn into something. I will probably make some soup and some bubble and squeak.

Steve is becoming upset that I will no longer cook for him but I'm happy to cook for lunch club.  He can't understand why I was upset by his behaviour.


Sue in Suffolk said...

keeping your ears warm in the cold winds - might help with dizzyness or might not but it does me.

Col said...

Unlike Sue in Suffolk, I don't need to keep my ears warm, but if the front/top of my head gets cold, it makes me very dizzy.
If you think of where you would position an 'Alice band', that's the area I need to keep warm, so I often wear a snowboarding headband, (which also warms your ears) and my dizziness lessens considerably! X

flis. said...

Do you think your blood pressure is o k - I go dizzy and wobbly on my legs when I'm stressed - and I would be tempted to say regarding cooking "they seem to enjoy my cooking - you say you don't" and let him stew a while x

Witch Hazel said...

Hope your dizziness passes. Has Steve forgotten that he doesn't like what you cook? or is it that he wants you to cook his choice of food? Very frustrating!

Ruta M. said...

I can sympathise with your dizziness as it's something that affects me every now and again which I put down to my chronic sinusitis. It was so bad last week that I had to cancel going to disco aerobics as even moving my head too fast sent everything whirling. Goodness knows what effect leaping about to 80's disco music would have had. I'd be interested to know if anyone finds a way to stop the dizziness. All the food you're cooking sounds delicious, if Steve doesn't like it then that's his loss.

saraband said...

Is it worth trying travel sickness pills?

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...