Thursday, 15 February 2024

We've put the heating on.

And of course it's warmer today, nemmind. It's supposed to be cold and wet for the next two or three weeks.

I had bubble and squeak for my lunch with an egg on top.

That will be my lot for the day, even if I was hungry later the smell stuff covered in BBQ sauce cooking in the air fryer would kill my appetite stone dead.

Out with Betty tomorrow, no idea where we are going, probably a garden centre somewhere for lunch.


Chris said...

Enjoy your day out. The garden centres here don't usually have an eating area.

Catriona said...

I’m so glad to hear that you are having a day out with Betty and hope you’ll have something tasty to eat while you are out. Catriona

Col said...

Our local garden centre has a restaurant which used to be very poor, but since being taken over three years ago, the food has gone from bad to astonishingly good!
They run a carvery three rimes per week, it's wonderful, amazing quality and a very reasonable price, so we go once every six weeks or so.
The plants are good too! X

Anonymous said...

hope you've recovered from you dizzy spells, have a lovely day out with Betty ,love carrie x

Anonymous said...

It's so wonderful to hear your getting some enjoyment in your life.
I'm so glad you have found a lovely friend.
Ignore steve go out and enjoy yourself.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...