Friday, 2 February 2024

I'm confused.

Steve decided to order broadband for the flat, we'd been using mobile broadband that we'd used on the boat.

This meant that there was never enough bandwidth for me to be able to watch a film unless I was online at silly o'clock in the morning.

I said I didn't mind which provider he chose but that BT wasn't needed as we don't want a land line.

Steve chose to go with BT anyway and within days we had received a smart meter for our electricity supply. I've no idea why as Steve has ranted on for hours about not wanting a smart meter.

It was two weeks before we had broadband though it was originally promised within 5 days.


Rambler said...

I guess you can't stop him making decisions like that, involving more expense, but it does seem wrong that someone with Steve's problems should be organising important (and expensive) requirements. If his brain isn't able to cope with clearing your belongings from his shed, I hope you never have problems with BT broadband.
I also hope he doesn't get obsessive about the Smart Meter readings . .

Cheryl said...

We have providers like that! They promise the moon to get you to sign up and then way under provide. I'm glad you are posting a bit more often as I worry when you don't. You can always post about what you are thinking even if you don't seem to be doing much - I never seem to be doing much but the essentials get done so I have quit worrying.

Julia said...

I am with BT and they are infamous for being liars.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...