Wednesday 21 February 2024

What shall I do?

It's raining here, not heavily but it's persistent.

Maybe it will brighten up later in the day.

I think I may make a chicken pie, I have chicken, carrots, onions, herbs and spices. I can serve it with mash and peas, Steve is going out so he won't want any so it will last me a couple of days. I may also make rice pudding in my slow cooker, I can't make it for lunch club as one of the group is allergic to milk.

Steve is currently going into town three or four days a week, I'm wondering if it's his way of protesting about my refusal to cook for him.

I'm getting more interested in cooking again since cooking for lunch club. I need to decide what to cook for next weeks pudding. Something warming as it's forecast  cold and rainy for a few weeks.


flis said...

I hope Beano is happy -It may be better now to continue with yours and Beanos daily activities - Mine gets more digreeable with my attempts to help calm his "stress" - Would Betty appreciate a portion if you have any extra x

Col said...

Glad Beano's doing well, and that your interest in cooking has been rekindled!
Have you thought of making rice pudding using coconut milk. It's delicious! X

Ana Dunk said...

I am so glad you find pleasure in cooking. It can give you some respite from the grumbles and groans around you. I live alone, am almost 83 and still find joy in cooking, not every day but often enough to keep my freezer full of future treats. Tomorrow I am visiting a recently widowed friend who does not like to cook, so will take her some barbequed pork and the buns to put it in, a couple of bran muffins with dried cherries, blueberries, and raisins, and a couple of servings of bean soup made with ham broth and finely diced carrots, onions, and celery. She in turn will take me out to dinner, since I travel 35 miles to visit her, and she does not drive.

Ellen D. said...

It's great that you are enjoying your alone time and enjoying cooking again.

Anonymous said...

If you are able to check the BBC Good Food website or get someone to do it for you, there are quite a few slow cooker pudding recipes e.g steamed puddings. Pollie

Anonymous said...

You're pie idea sounds fab, I love homemade pies, but my other half likes a certain brand ready made in a tin and is currently enjoying a whole one for his tea, without any veg on the side while our dog looks on hoping for some leftovers to come his way! hope you enjoyyour lovely homemade one,love Carrie x

lindsey said...

I’m so pleased that Beano has recovered. You must have had a worrying time. You seem to have built up a pleasant social life which is something that that helps us all and please don’t let DH spoil it for you. Best wishes from Northern Ireland where it is also raining 😀

Pudge450 said...

Please tell me, what is mash? I am in US and unfamiliar with that term, although I see it mentioned often. We have mashed potatoes. Is that the same?

Corinne said...

Yes, mash is mashed potatoes, sometimes with added butter or milk, depending on what you like.
Pleased Beano has a diagnosis and they can help him.
Enjoy your cooking for as long as you can, either for yourself or others!

ShellyC said...

Rice pudding is nice made with coconut milk Makes a change as well

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