Saturday, 10 February 2024

Another damp and drizzly day.

Nemmind, it's not raining hard enough to stop Beano going for his walks so that's ok.

Steve was very chatty y'day sometimes he barely speaks but y'day he suggested we go for lunch on Valentine's day. I can't remember the last time he took me out for Valentine's day, probably 5 years at least.

I think he's  bored as he no longer goes to the summer house apart from Friday morning to play chess. He still goes in to town a couple of times a week but I think he's all shopped out. He's thought a new suit, new cufflinks and new walking boots. Now he just goes too town to have breakfast and beer in a pub.

I'm cooking lunch on Tuesday, I shall do chicken wrapped in bacon with mashed potatoes, peas and broccoli. Betty and Harry have Dr's appointments at opposite ends of the day. Betty is doing cheese and biscuits instead of a pudding.

I shall cook enough to feed Steve in case he wants some but he probably won't. He became obsessed with the amount of fat in the food I cooked which is why he now lives in frozen party food. He believes this food is fat free and healthy. Whereas I add a small knob of butter to my mashed potatoes!


flis said...

Did you say once that he wasnt interested in gardening any longer - i would perhaps say that you were thinking of buying a few packets of seeds - and yourself and Betty will tend to it -I wonder if that may spark an interest in him x

Anonymous said...

So much focus on HIM and the days are ticking by...

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a lovely lunch out, it's nice that he's asked you and hopefully it will save him from getting the air fryer on later if he eats enough at lunchtime! love Carrie x


Last week I went to lunch club and when this week's lunch was arranged I offered to cook the main course. I spent this morning preparing...