It seems Beano has had Viral Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis. It does the rounds here occasionally.
Despite Steve being a pain in the arris, he wouldn't make Beano ill on purpose.
So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...
So glad Beano is better. Hope you can still spend some time with Betty. Also that you can sort the insurance and get some recompense.
I apologise for being suspicious of Steve. I sincerely hope that Beano makes a speedy recovery, bless him.
I'm so glad he's on the mend, I never said or meant Steve would make him ill on purpose, he was doing what he thought would work to make him better, he can't help that because his brain is working differently now, which isn't fair on any of you ,but sometime things are out of our control aren't they. I'm sorry if I offended you with my comment,if I do in future please just be blunt and tell me to straight shut up. Like I said you're way kinder than me! Give Beano a big hug from me, love Carrie x
Poor Beano, glad to hear he is getting better. Hopefully as his illness has 'an official' name, the insurance company may now pay out.
I don't think anyone would suggest Steve made Beano ill on purpose but perhaps fed him something that didn't agree with him. So many foods are toxic for dogs especially onions, dry or cookedthat can cause similar to what Beano had. So pleased to hear Beano is much better and you did the right thing getting him to the vets as soon as you could.
My terrier passed dark clots of blood - I rushed him to the vets - I wasn't told what it was - but they treated him wth tablets - Another time he vomited with streaks of fresh blood mand was kept in the night - again no clear answer - My eldest-14 insurance which covers £7000 per yer is £109 per month x
My friend in Boston had a little Maltese that had this HGE virus!! Rushed Zoe to ER and it was so frightening. The American comedian, Fortune Feimster, talks about her little dog Biggie getting sick in NYC with this same disease (sickness? virus?) and spending days at the Urgent vet. They thought Biggie was going to die.
Its so awful, I am glad Beano is ok.
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