Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Aches, pains and little blue pills

It's all medical round here at the moment.

DD took DGD Suzy to A&E today, she has had a vile smelling runny nose since Christmas. A foreign was suspected, umpteen visits to the Dr's bore no result. An emergency ENT appointment booked for 27th February (if that's an emergency appointment I hate to think how long the wait is for an ordinary appointment) in desperation DD was told to take Suzy to A&E, an hour later, a lot of screaming a bloody nose and finally a small foam holly berry was retrieved, result!

My L&M has a problem with his feet, he already has plantar faciitis, from too much walking, he then developed problems with the skin on his feet, he started to develop trench foot. He has an 'all weather' job but wet weather gear was not provided as his duties could be arranged to avoid inclement weather. His duties were changed to include standing outside for 90 minutes in the piddling rain. Wet weather gear was eventually ordered but took four months to arrive.

Yesterday he had a hospital appointment and is now waiting for an appointment for an MRI. He has also been prescribed with some little blue pills, no not those little blue pills, but they do seem to be having a similar effect. It's like the Martini advert round here, any time, any place, anywhere!

Whilst my L&M at the hospital he visited a friend of ours P, who is in hospital with an eye problem, P got some dirt in his eye when gardening and it worked its way round to the back of the eye, P's whole face swelled up and he was in agony, he is now on intravenous antibiotics and will be in hospital for a few more days.  Once the infection is under control there is talk of the eye being popped out so the dirt can be cleansed from behind it.


justjill said...

Goodness me ! Good wishes sent to all involved.

Lyssa Medana said...

I hope everyone feels better soon esp Suzy.

As for your friend with the eye issues - I winced all over! x

Quest said...

Oh wowwww..... that eye infection sounds absolutely awful. Be careful out there in the garden! There are many more microbes than we can possibly think about, I got a horrible infection on both of my hands last year which wouldn't respond to treatment and it was due to a fungus mite that I'd 'picked up' from my roses!! Glad that the holly berry was retrieved ... that must've been uncomfortable? Martini advert LOL

e said...

Oh my...How stressful for you all...Sending best wishes and hugs!

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...