Sunday, 19 February 2017

Eating from the freezer

We've already eaten the contents of one freezer so now we've started on the other one. I only have two small four door freezers, but on the boat I will only have a 1 cu ft freezer.

Today we had roast turkey and pigs in blankets from the freezer, with roast potatoes and assorted veg.

Left in the freezer is:-
A lamb shank, big enough to do a roast dinner for the two of us.
A packet of white fish and a packet of salmon, I will buy some smoked haddock and make a couple of fish pies.
Stewing steak, so beef casserole will be on the menu.
Assorted veg and lots of bacon as I but it in bulk.
I'm estimating that the freezer on the boat will hold one drawers worth of food so I'm aiming to get down to that stage.
I'm hoping it will hold a bag of frozen chips, a bag of frozen peas, a viennetta. These are all things that my beloved feels are essential for  comfortable living.


Anonymous said...

what is your time scale for miving ? i hope it all goes well tessa

Anonymous said...

sorry moving even

Hard up Hester said...

We are hoping to be sorted out April/May time.

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to following your adventures, it will be exciting times for you and I am sure the grandchildren will love to visit

e said...

That's quite an adjustment you'll be making. I hope all goes smoothly and thanks for sharing here.

Winters End Rambler said...

That's not a lot of freezer space...but my parents managed with just the icebox above the fridge for many years. That was for a large family too. x

galant said...

I had no idea that they still made Vienetta! My goodness, a 1970s throwback there, Hester! But rather tasty, all the same!
You will be unearthing some Vesta curries soon, dear girl!
Margaret P

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...