Sunday, 12 February 2017

We've only gone and bloody done it!! With inside pics as requested.

Our new home, subject to satisfactory survey.


Unknown said...

Seriously! That's so cool!

Christine said...


Joy said...

Oh Hester, you brave souls. What a difference this will make to your life. I do take it that you are contemplating a life on the water.
Can we see interior pictures soon? The only times I have ever been in a house boaty home it was very, very cosy. Small, but beautifully formed. Thank goodness you did all that severe decluttering.

Fingers crossed that it all goes smoothly.

galant said...

I think that's wonderful!!! What a lovely boat! Yes, interior pix, please!
Margaret P

Hard up Hester said...

Inside pics now added.

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

Oh jolly well done, I am sure you will enjoy living on a inside asap please.

kelley said...

what a cool place to live! congratulations!!!

Barbara said...

It's amazing!

galant said...

It's gorgeous!!! Better than some brick-built homes on dry land!!!
Margaret P

Rambler said...

Having lived in my caravan for 5 years, I really envy you your gorgeous new home. It looks brand new - is it? So light and airy. I hope you enjoy many, many happy years on her. xx

Floss said...

That is so fab, I am SO jealous! So will you be able to leave that awful place that torments you every day?

Hard up Hester said...

She is about 11 years old so not new, but she's in good nick.

Margie from Toronto said...

OMG! She's gorgeous! You never said you were contemplating life on the water - how amazing!

Hard up Hester said...

We've been planning this for a year, but didn't want to jinx it so kept it a secret

Heleng said...

That's gorgeous. We've often thought of buying a live aboard narrowboat so I'll be extremely interested to hear how you get on. Do you have a permanent residential mooring? Or will you be trying to cruise most of the year? Fingers crossed for you that all goes through easily and quickly. Love, Helen x

Hard up Hester said...

We are planning on cruising mainly but then go to a winter mooring

Winters End Rambler said...

It's not April 1st is it?! x

Sue in Suffolk said...

How wonderful, we've had several Narrow Boat holidays and loved every minute. I think it takes nearly 3 years to get round the whole network - enjoy!

cumbrian said...

Looks amazing. And completely off-grid?

Hard up Hester said...

Not completely off grid, but it will be fun I think.

Sals View said...

Oh Hester I'm green with narrow boat envy. How exciting, I love it and I can't wait for you to move in and start your exciting adventure.

Sooze said...

Fabulous! I hope you enjoy every minute. The grandchildren will love it too won't they?

Tracey said...

Welcome to little-house living!!

e said...

Congratulations! I think you'll enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Well done on keeping your plans a secret. Best wishes in your new home and hope you have many happy times exploring the waterways. Catriona

Chris West said...

Oh wow.So happy for you both and a little envious too xx

Sheila said...

OMG...that is just amazing.

Rural Reads said...

Amazing,fingers crossed for survey, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous! It looks so bright and cheerful. We've talked of buying one and renting it out. Well, best to you and your L&M!

Emmbee said...

Congratulations! I'm so pleased for you. All the best for a smooth transition! You deserve nothing but the best, I hope you will both be extremely happy in your new home.

Elaine said...

I am thrilled to bits for you. My brother bought his boat a year ago now and he's really taken to life on the canals, as I am sure you will, too. He stays in a marina over winter and then explores the waterways during better weather. I hope the survey goes well and you are soon enjoying life on your beautiful boat.

Sol said...

How exciting! good luck!

Nanny Anny said...

Oh how exciting!! I am looking forward to pictures and updates as you embark on this amazing new adventure!! Good for you!! Cheers, Nanny Anny in Canada.

Sharon said...

Fabulous! I'm so jealous. Love the idea of living somewhere other than a house. Looks fantastic!

lah2563 said...

Great news, do you know where you are planning to cruise. We have a narrowboat called Dionysus, she is British a Racing a Green 58ft reverse layout with a twist.
We will be back out cruising on 23rd March, start on the T&M then off onto the Llangollen. Let me know your boat name and I will keep an eye out for you.
Happy cruising, Lynda x

lah2563 said...

Forgot to say we have a blog on FB if you want a nosey although it does need updating as we have been on land since October. Calked Narrowboat Dionysus, it tells our story so far. Lynda

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...