Thursday, 2 February 2017

In a grump

Moan, moan, whinge, whinge, bitch bitch.

I cannot go to my Tuesday writers circle as I can't see to drive in the dark.

I was hoping to meet a friend for coffee on Wednesday but by the time she was free it was too late for me to get there and back before it got dark.

A colleague, one of the last ones that pops in for a chat is leaving soon.

Bitch, bitch, whinge, whinge, moan moan.


galant said...

Oh, you poor old sausage! Could not someone come and collect you and take you back? When I was in a writers' group there were some non-drivers and they were always helped in this way.
Margaret P

kelley said...

some days are like that...usually send me to the chocolate drawer...since I don't drink...ah well, more time for creating...

justjill said...

Why cant you drive in the dark? Neither can I. Cataracts?

Joy said...

Good heavens, you are allowed to grumble. If I had to live your life with the stress of your job, the stress of packing up your house and downsizing, the stress of doing the amount of running around for your family, (yes, I know you love them but it all has to be fitted in somewhere) the stress of making every penny do the work of two, the stress of dealing with officialdom, the tress of just being Hester..........
Well, the men in white coats would have carted me off by now. I think you are incredible.

Hard up Hester said...

Margaret, unfortunately there is no one willing to give me a lift as no one lives in the same direction as me.

Kelley, same here, but I'm beginning to OD on chocolate!

Just jill, Left eye cataracts and split retina, right eye just old age/night blindness.

Thanks Joy, although I can be short tempered and irascible, when I do throw a strop it's because it needs throwing as someone needs a kick up the arse. I'm not used to feeling glum and downhearted but thank you for your kind words.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...