Tuesday, 28 February 2017

What a day

I had 2 days work to do today as I wasn't at work yesterday, forty two jobs outstanding, most of them urgent.

I was awake and reading from 2am until 4:30, gave up and got up just after 5.

I made bacon roll for my L&M, porridge for me, made packups for us both.

I arrived at work at 6:30, unjammed 2 machines and started jobs running on all machines, they were running non-stop for most of the day until I finished at 2.

Then I went to DD2's to collect DGD's dancewear, on to the bank to draw out money to pay the fence man.

Collected my L&M from work at 2:30, took him home to wait in for Mr T delivery.

Collected 2 DGD's from 2 different schools, took them to dance class.

I got home to find my beloved in a panic as he can't reply to an email (because he's replying to himself!)

Then he asks if I've paid for the fence repairs, booked his next hospital appointment, ordered his repeat prescription, organised the boat insurance and sorted out the boat licence.

He is not happy as I haven't done these things.

I know he can't use the phone until he gets his new hearing aids next week, but when exactly did he think I was going to have time to do all this?


cumbrian said...

You're supposed to cut yourself in half then you can do 2 jobs at once.

Hard up Hester said...

That's about it cumbrian.

Margie from Toronto said...

Do you ever make him read your posts with all that you do in the day? Honestly - I know you love him but it must truly take the patience of a saint at times!

Sharon said...

Sounds like there's a lot on your plate and more than one person can do in a day! I'd lock myself in the bathroom and take a long bath if I were you just to have a moment to yourself.

e said...

I second the bath idea!

galant said...

The world as we know it would simply fall apart without women like us. We deserve a blimmin' medal, Hester, and yours should be the biggest of the lot.
Margaret P

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...