Monday, 13 February 2017

More decluttering and a 'lazy day'.

My beloved forgot to turn his alarm off this morning so it woke us just after 5am!

I got  up and made a cuppa to take back to bed, but whilst waiting for the kettle to boil I turned the freezer off, put old towels in front of the freezer topped with the oblong washing up bowl.

I returned to bed with the tea and managed to get back to sleep, by the time I awoke and was dressed the freezer was defrosted.

All the frozen food now fits in one freezer though I may spread it out between the 2 to make it easier to find things.

There were a few things we should have gone out and done today but I felt like a lazy day so we stayed home.

Even so my lazy day included getting 4 loads of washing done and mainly dry on the line as well as defrosting the freezer.

I checked the inventory for the narrow boat, it seems it comes with everything that is on board, erm, it looks as though the owner has just popped out for a pint of milk!

The kitchen is full of equipment and the shelves are full of books and other stuff, hey ho, more decluttering to come.


Joy said...

I should think that you and your L&M spent the day mentally hugging yourselves.
How soon before you can say goodbye to the salt mines? For the sake of the L&Ms health I hope it is sooner rather than later.

You make me feel very unadventurous. I had dismissed the idea of a houseboat in Bembridge harbour. Wimpy, that's me.

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

Where is the boat moored now Hester, are you intneding to move it closer to your family??

Hard up Hester said...

The boat is near Rugby now, we are moving it closer to home in a fee weeks time.

veeknits19 said...

So glad I found you again! Good luck with everything, I so enjoy your posts although rarely comment. All best wishes, Vee x

Marjorie said...

So pleased for you both. I too am a long time reader and so fond of you.

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

I wish I had know we could have made arrangements to meet up. Are you coming up again beofre the boat is moved?

veeknits19 said...

Eeek! Just seen what's happened to your last blog. That certainly didn't take long - looking very different now, not one to bother with now.
Vee x

justjill said...

Hester I have some wierd blog re yoga or some such rubbish when I try to read your blog. I have, I think deleted you to stop my reading list being swamped.Could you let me know what to do? I want to keep following you. Love all your posts.

e said...

So glad you have the new floating home...I too have had problems attempting to follow...

Hard up Hester said...

We will be up a few more times before we move her nearer to home. I'll let you know next time.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...