Sunday, 5 February 2017

One step forward

Only a small one, we haven't found the place we want to move to yet, but we have found someone who want's our house.
Baby steps, but better than nothing.


Sue in Suffolk said...

We are the other way round and waiting
You are the right way round, we are the wrong way round and still waiting

saraband said...

Friends of mine have just moved into a holiday let so as not to lose the sale of their own property. Cheaper than normal renting, apparently - I guess the owners are glad to have it occupied out of season.

Sheila said...

That's good news Hester and hopefully you will find what you are looking for soon-x-

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

saraband has a good idea, renting till you find a house you like could well be the way forward. I know you do not get much interest on dosh these days but a bit is better than nowt.

Joy said...

fingers crossed for you Hester. In all my moves I have never looked for a house until I have had a firm offer on the one I am selling. It saves a lot of pressure and disappointment.

Anonymous said...

Good luck and hope the sale goes through. We have only owned two houses in 45 years, and bought before selling-NEVER again. Even if you end up renting, it will be money well spent. Catriona

e said...

Best of luck with that!

kelley said...

Wonderful! hoping all goes well and you find a new spot for yourselves soon...or a good rental...

Heleng said...

Hope all goes smoothly. Our buyer is holding up the whole process. Even though he offered on our house weeks before we found the place we're buying he doesn't yet have everything in place. We and the people we're buying off have signed and returned all paperwork to our solicitors ready to exchange but nothing can happen until he gets his finger out. Such a frustrating situation. I hope you find somewhere soon.Love, Helen x

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending good vibes! x

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...