Saturday, 18 February 2017

More about the boat.

Please ignore if you already bored with me waffling on about the boat.
She is a reverse layout semi trad with a large front deck.
Here is a diagram of the layout.

Reverse layout means that the kitchen or galley is at the back of the boat, many boats have the bedroom at the back but this means that if you are wet from steering the boat you come straight in to the bedroom. We wanted reverse layout partly to save the wet being tracked through the bedroom and partly as it is more sociable to have the kitchen at the back.
The semi trad stern means there are seats near the tiller, again a more sociable layout.

The kitchen has a fridge with a tiny freezer on top, gas cooker, washing machine, two shelves, four cupboards, six drawers and a wine rack, this won't get used as we don't drink wine though we do sometimes get a bottle in for visitors.

There are two leather reclining swivel chairs in the living area along with the multi fuel stove, three cupboards and four shelves. There is also a slot for a car radio to be fitted.

We would have preferred a Pullman diner but settled for an L shaped one, it is raised so it is easier to look out the window when eating. There is storage under the dinette cushions, this I have earmarked for spare bedding and my yarn!

The bed is 5ft wide and although it looks strange in the photo it pulls out to a full length bed.
The storage in the bedroom includes under bed space, a wardrobe, six drawers and two shelves.

The front deck is large, big enough for a table and a couple of chairs and a storage locker.

The bathroom contains toilet, basin, a cupboard, two shelves and a shower big enough for two, it's a good way to save water!


Joy said...

Just one thing wrong with it that I can see. Where is my bedroom?

Hard up Hester said...

The dinette area turns into a 4 foot x 6 foot bed, I hope it's comfortable!

Elaine said...

Not bored at all! It is very exciting and I am grateful that you are letting us share in the fun. I bet you can't wait to move in.

Winters End Rambler said...

Goodness when do you move in...and I hope you don't get seasick! x

Sooze said...

Looks lovely, and a good way of making sure you don't accumulate tons of clutter!

Hard up Hester said...

We will be in just after the Easter break as long as the survey is ok, even I don't get sick on the canals as they don't have many waves.

justjill said...

Absolutely Fantastic. What fun.

Janice said...

Everything looks in excellent shape and you really only have to bring your clothes, personal and kitchen stuff and you are good to go. I can see life for you being so relaxing.

bbarna said...

Ok, perhaps you can answer a question that I have always wondered about...what happens with your waste water...Our camper has tanks that we can dump at approved sites. Is the boat similar? It is certainly a wonderful boat- you will have lots of fun, I am sure. When we use the camper, I am always happy to cook and tidy up as it is so small. I still have room for a small sewing machine and my craft stuff, so I am happy.

Margie from Toronto said...

It looks lovely and it will be a wonderful adventure for both of you!

Hard up Hester said...

Hi Barb, clean waste, that is water from the shower etc. drains into the canal.

There are a few different ways of dealing with black water as in waste from the toilet.

There is the pump out toilet where the waste is collected in a huge tank and emptied at a pump out point.

Cassette toilet, the waste is collected in a cassette that has a blue solution added to it and the cassette is emptied at an Elsan point.

Some boaters use a composting toilet, but I don't know much about them.

Then of course there is the bucket & chuck it, basically a bucket with a lid that is used and then emptied willy-nilly.

e said...

Looks very comfortable. I hope you enjoy it.

Pam said...

It looks amazing, I love the fact that everything is built in. I really fancy a Park Home once I am ready to go to single story living.

keth said...

Question from me. Do you still plan to grow veggies and the like, ontop of the boat or on the side perhaps or do you need to keep that low cos of going through tunnels? It sounds fab, I hope you get to continue blogging, as I'd love to hear about your life on the canals! Will you winter aboard the boat too?

Hard up Hester said...

Keth, we may grow a small tub of French or runner beans but that will be all and they will be in the bow as the tunnels preclude putting much on the top.

I am hoping to continue blogging, canal wifi permitting, we will winter aboard the boat, we have central heating on the boat and a multifuel stove also the canals are beautiful in the winter.

galant said...

I am never bored looking at and reading about your boaty! I think it's gorgeous!!! You will be snug as bugs in rugs, or should that be Mole and Ratty? Oh, how lovely to be getting this ready for spring and then touring the waterways of the UK ... utter bliss!!!
Margaret P

Tricia8 said...

"Rosie and Jim, Rosie and Jim, chugging along on the old Rag Doll" one of my son's favourite programs when he was a small boy (he's 36 now!). I always envied Rosie and Jim on their boat. I could live on one like a shot. I will never be bored with your lovely posts on your boat.

flowertotmum said...

O brilliant ..i can't wait to read and see more of this.

fuddle said...

Bored?! Never!! Talk, talk and talk some more about her. She's lovely! I'm excited for you. I have probably missed it but does she havea name?

Sharon said...

I missed it - had to go back and find the post. How exciting!

lynda said...

We have friends who sold their house and bought a canal boat, after having a time share in one for many years. Not as modern as yours...they LOVE IT! Very cozy with a wood burner.

lynda said...

We have friends who sold their house and bought a canal boat, after having a time share in one for many years. Not as modern as yours...they LOVE IT! Very cozy with a wood burner.

Heleng said...

I'm green with envy. It's lovely.

Sue said...

Wow!! That's amazing, I love it and even more the adventurousness of moving onto a boat, I am totally jealous.

myshabbychicvintagefrugallife said...

Love it its beautiful xxx

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...