Saturday, 4 February 2017

The bra saga and ongoing decluttering

I'm still decluttering, though there isn't much left to do now.

I tried on a couple of tee shirts and decided I could do without them so I passed them on to a friend who is on a low wage and has 3 sons to feed and clothe.

I also decided to declutter my underwear drawer again, I'd done a vague run at it and got rid of a lot of X-rated items and some cheese cutter thongs but this time I attacked the bras. I had six, I threw three away as they were very tatty, I dismantled one and saved some bits of lace.
I'm left with two, I can manage with two, I don't always wear a bra anyway and if I do I wash it at night when I take it off and it's dry by morning.

There is just one problem, one of the bras is soft and has a natural (saggy) contour, the other is underwired and padded, nothing is allowed to sag, it is what my beloved refers to as a Rawhide bra. From a very old cowboy tv series starring Clint Eastwood. The theme song contained the phrase 'Head em up, move em out'. This bra definitely heads them up and out and when wearing it I am oft reminded of my friend Joy's encouraging comment of 'Chin up tits out!'
PS, edited in light of Joy's comment. 


Debbie from the UP said...

You are a hoot!

Janice said...

Sounds like what we call a 'push'em up,pull 'em in' bra but I do like the Rawhide name Too!

Chris said...

LOL, I have a drawer full of bras, all different sizes in case I do lose weight!!

Catsngrams said...

I love your blog. So fun to read. Thanks for the entertainment. Your the best.

Heleng said...

You do make me laugh. All my bras are soft and comfy, I hate underwired, padded etc. and I never wear anything fitted enough for it to matter. We're also decluttering before a move from our 4 bed place to a tiny 2 bed, and there's so much stuff. I've spent all day sorting paperwork and our poor shredder has been overworked. 17 years and 5 kids in this house and a mum who hates to throw stuff out 'just in case we need it'. I've already been through my clothes but like you will do a second sweep through this week.

Philip said...

It will be interesting to know what needlework project the bit of lace you cut out and saved ends up.

Joy said...

Oh heavens! I know just what you mean about the bras. I have soft and 'unstructured' (sounds so much better than 'floppy')for lolling about at home and the ones that give me some sort of shape for if I'm going to be looked at.

Yeah, I think the "Tits and teeth, girls" saying belongs to somebody else.
Mine is "Chin up.Tits out" or if I dont correct my tablet it's "Chin up. Titus out."
I envision my tablet as a demure, old fashioned spinster who has a fit of the vapours at any unseemliness. She does her best to keep me in check, bless her.

Quest said...

I laughed at this. Your underwear drawer sounds a helluva lot more interesting than mine that's for sure!!

e said...

This gave me a chuckle...the bras in my drawer could be used as lace there, unfortunately.

Hard up Hester said...

Philip, I'm making lavender bags, the lace is always useful.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...