Monday, 13 February 2017

Jiggling Jenneke and girls in jodhpurs

We stayed in a hotel on Saturday night and when we came down to breakfast the restaurant was full of netball players and nubile young ladies in jodhpurs.

Some of the netball players were full of joie de vivre and seemed to be warming up in way reminiscent of Michelle Jenneke the Australian hurdler.

Many of the men breakfasting in the restaurant seemed mesmerised by the cornucopia on view, one aggrieved wife even went so far as to tap her husband smartly on the forehead with her cereal spoon.

I merely went up for a second breakfast as I always enjoy any meal I haven't had to cook and that I don't have to clear up after.


Frugal in Bucks said...

Not sure what's happened but keeps saying blog not found on your original hard up hestor blog. Thought I had lost you......then found this one. Thought I would let you know. X

Unknown said...

I had the same problem :)

Hard up Hester said...

Thanks, I know there is a problem but not sure what has caused it

saraband said...

I had the same problem - thought you'd left us for good but fortunately someone put the link on Frugal Queen.

Amy said...

I had the same problem! So happy to have found you as I'm looking forward to hearing about your new adventures!!

Rural Reads said...

Hugely relieved to find you via 'Lifes Too Short to Iron Teatowels'
I feared you had gone undeground after someone in 'real life' had seen your narrowboat.
Phew! Good Luck,
Sine Robertson

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...