Sunday, 7 July 2019

Beano returns to the rescue centre

Not because he moults like the devil and the boat is knee deep in swathes of dog hair.

Not because his attachment to me turns him in to Houdini if I leave the boat without him.

But because the rescue centre had a fund raising event on and we went to support it.

We didn't stay long as it started to rain but we bought Beano some chews and biscuits and contributed to their wishing well.


Dc said...

We have just invested in a Furminator brush for our dog to help keep the longer parts of her fur under control.Amazing what it brings out, even though she doesn't look as though she needs doing.

Pat said...

My heart sank when I read the heading, I thought oh no! So happy to read you were just visiting.

Our JR moults like the devil too, lots of it just now. He's very attached to me too but isn't it lovely and heart warming to have that little furry person who thinks you're his person too? When our mere presence is the best thing on earth!

Our JR is a teenager this year, still very fit bodily but getting a bit deaf now. Awful to think perhaps not many more years left with him although thankfully JR's can have long lives compared to other breeds.

I hope Beano enjoys his treats.

Carol Caldwell said...

I too had my heart in my mouth when I read the title. So glad it was only a visit. I can't imagine your boat without Beano now.

Witch Hazel said...

Oh you meanie Sue! I read the title and I panicked a little on Beano's behalf. (A bit odd, considering I don't know him, or you, of course!). I was so relieved when I read the rest of your post.

Was he OK going back? He didn't get stressed (thinking he was going to be left behind) or anything?

Hard up Hester said...

He didn't seem to recognise the place.

I've ordered a furminator to see if it helps.

kelley said...

not nice scaring us like that! I use the furminator on my long haired cat and he loves it..never ending fur...

Donna said...

Ah yes .. the fur .. no matter how hard I tried .. more than one guest left our home with a new fur coat on their backside. Our cat, Nigel, loved to provide another layer of protection against the Canadian winter to all who came by.

Pat said...

I don't know if the design of the Furminator has changed but I used one some time ago and it damaged my dogs skin. I'd used it on him a few times then parting his hair noticed his skin was irritated and scratched in places, I took him to the vets who immediately asked what grooming tool I'd used. It was the Furminator that caused the scratches with it's steel teeth. I felt awful, that I'd inflicted that on my pet but he'd not shown any dislike or shied away from it. I hadn't been over zealous using it, just gentle. Perhaps the design has changed, but anyway it's something to look out for when you use it.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I too was relieved you diddn't leave him. I didn't think Tess, my Border terrier moulted moulted until I bought a new cordless vac - you cannot believe amount of dog hairs it picks up.

Hard up Hester said...

Thanks Pat I'll be very careful.

kate steeper said...

Awwww, i thought the one sensible conversationalist in your life had gone. Dont do that to me , all that keeps me sane some days is talking to Miss Hissy Penny , she talks far more sense than my partner

Hard up Hester said...

Kate, yes it is nice to talk to someone who doesn't bite my head off!

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...