Friday, 26 July 2019

Why would you.

Buy a house next to a church and then complain about the bells.

Buy a house next to a school and complain about the children.

Buy a house by a canal and complain about the boats.

We moved off the marina today, we've not gone far, just one lock and one swing bridge.

We had decided where we wanted to moor, we've moored here a few times.

This time it was more complicated, firstly there was a small dog running around, Beano was on the lead as we'd just crossed a road. The other dog kept trying to hump Beano and though Beano is fairly tolerant he dislikes being humped especially on the head. I tried to separate the dogs but the other dog went for me, he was only a baby but shouldn't be out on his own. 

Whilst I was struggling with the dogs and trying to hang on to the centre rope on the boat a man from one of the nearby houses came out to inform me that we weren't allowed to moor there. I told him that as it was a towpath mooring we could stay for 14 days.

He assured me that C&RT were going to put No Mooring signs up imminently. He wittered on for a while but I told him again that it was a towpath mooring and we could stay for 14 days.

I noticed he complained to me and not Steve so obviously a coward.

Having checked with C&RT, we can moor here for 14 days, we only want to moor until Wednesday, but may stay longer just to piss him off 
C&RT know him to be a serial complainer and believe the homeowners were told by their estate agent that no boats would moor by them.

If this is true then it's a shame I know but it's not my problem, we pay in excess of £1000 to license our boat and that means we can moor on the towpath.

I've posted a warning on FB so no doubt the world and his wife will make regular use of this mooring.


justjill said...

Ha haaaa. Good for you. I love people who take a stand against idiots.

Anonymous said...

Poor guy , bought a nice house , pays his council tax
And pikeys rock up at the end of his garden .

Hard up Hester said...

Yeah, life's a bitch sometimes

Anonymous said...

Well well well. Anonymous is back spitting their bile. I wonder who this sad fart is? (Not the word I wanted to use but still begins with an f) Have people like this got nothing better to do than trawl through various posts here and there with their sad venom?

Helena (helebore)

kate steeper said...

Anonymous is our rod to bear , you know their psychologist is a busy person

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I'm hoping anonymous is the home owner and everybody possible rocks up and stays 14 days. What a saddo you are. Get back under your rock.

Poor Beano, poor you having to deal with a stray dog, the boat and a thick ass buying a house next to a river then complaining.

Hard up Hester said...

I just love the stupidity of some of the comments, sometimes they are so keen to sound off they don't even read the original post properly.

In this case anonymous has read the post but chosen the wrong insult. The term pikey comes from travelers who used the turnpike, it also, according to the urban dictionary, refers to those people who tarmac drives and go harecoursing!

As none of the above applies I give this particular piece of poisonous claptrap one point,

Sue in Suffolk said...

I do hope lots of people read your FB so that he has people mooring there all the time(not the same people obviously!)

Hard up Hester said...

So do I Sue, so do I.

Carol Caldwell said...

Whatever the estate agents told them, why would you buy a house by the river if you don't like boats!

Hard up Hester said...

Gawd knows Carol, seems mad there me.

Col said...

The rectory in our village sold off a large piece of land a couple of years ago, for housing. The houses are fairly nice, not to my taste, too ostentatious, but a decent example of their type.
So, pray tell, why did two idiots purchase houses which are literally a stone's throw from the Church bell tower, and then spend months trying to get the bells silenced, because 'the noise is awful'?
I'm happy to report that the bells are still merrily chiming away every fifteen minutes, with full Westminster chimes every hour, day and night, and are rung every Sunday morning, for Weddings, Funerals, Christenings, bell practice every Monday and Thursday evenings!
One of the moaning buggers has sold up and moved, but the other old goat still lives there. However, he gave up the fight as soon as he realised his chances were a long way below zero!

Oh, I almost forgot, I have a message for 'Anonymous', "Vaffanculo"! (It's Italian).

Hard up Hester said...

That's so funny col.

JanF said...

Please stay there for 14 days!
Glad you posted the message too!
What a jerk.
At first I wondered if anonymous was being funny, but why not post a name?

walking in beauty carmarthenshire said...

Hello Hester , enjoy your stay there,
how about people buying a house next to the dairy farm and complaining about the cows making a noise, then tried to get the large dairy facilities move to the other side of the farm.
Beyond belief , I think.
Crystal Dreamer

Hard up Hester said...

I think I remember hearing about that case.

WorcsAnnie said...

I too thought that anonymous was being 'tongue in cheek' but maybe not. I would love to live by a canal or river and have boats turn up that's the beauty of it.

We are always going to local riverside and sit and watch the boats. I would say take no notice of him but you have to be careful he does not damage your boat to get his own back. There are some nasty people about.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...