Tuesday, 9 July 2019


There were two people stood by my boat yesterday whilst I was sat on the back knitting.

The lady liked the look of the boat and said she'd like to live on one.

The gentleman with her told her that I didn't live on the boat I was just on holiday.

He went on to explain that boats don't have running water, kitchens or bathrooms.

I interrupted him to assure both of them that my boat did in fact have all the facilities necessary for a reasonable quality of life.

I would have offered them a tour of the boat but the gentleman got so cross at being contradicted he stomped off and the lady followed.


the veg artist said...

I love this little tale, but can't help feeling sorry for the woman if this is her husband and this is the way he corrects her with his very out of date knowledge!

Margie from Toronto said...

Idiot! I'd have loved to see the look on his face after a tour!
Honestly - why do women put up with men like that?

JanF said...

His horrid know it all attitude spoiled the opportunity for both of them to enjoy a look at your boat. What a kill joy! I am glad you didn't invite them on board.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

You can tell a oerson facts but you can't make then listen. Oh how dumb some people are.

Cheryl said...

I guess the living on a boat wasn't for him.😂😂

Vronni's Style Meanderings said...

What a typical 'I know everything' man! I find with some men, they seem scared to say they don't know about something...why???

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...