Friday, 12 July 2019

There are no secrets on the cut.

The towpath telegraph is spread far and wide.

We've had a few people speaking to us about our boat, telling us where they have seen it before. As I've said before it looks like a floating turd, very distinctive.

Earlier this week a chap stopped to chat and asked how long we'd had the boat, we told him we bought it earlier in the year.

He told us he'd seen the boat two years ago when he'd followed it from Gloucester Docks to Sharpness.

The previous owner had misjudged the height of one of the swing bridges and instead of waiting for it to be opened he'd attempted to go under the bridge and ripped the entire pram cover off the boat.

We had wondered why the pram cover was only two years old when the cratch cover is the original and so is ten years old.

Well, now we know.


Margie from Toronto said...

I live in a small apt. building and it's much the same. About 10 days ago a neighbour two doors down died - I didn't get home until late that night so missed the police & the coroner - only found out about it when I ran into another neighbour on Sunday - but - I was alerted to the fact that something had happened when I got a call from a friend in Belfast (she went back there about a year ago) - she skypes with another woman in the building and found out all about it before I did!

Hard up Hester said...

It can be incredible how news spreads can't it Margie.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...