Tuesday, 9 July 2019

My version of slow fashion.

The last item I bought new was a bra, I bought it a while ago. I wash my bras by hand so they tend to last well.

When we moved on to our first boat three years ago I culled a lot of my clothes. I kept only what would fit in two drawers and on three hooks on the wall my side of the bed.

The drawers held two bras, ten pair of pants, a nightdress, six pairs of leggings, three thick and three lightweight, two scarves, one wooly, one silk and three pairs of hand knitted socks.

On the hooks were my hoodies, a jumper, my two tidy dresses, one sleeveless one long sleeved and six tops/tee shirts.

Fast forward three years and I'm still wearing the same leggings and pants, one bra disintegrated and has been replaced, I can go weeks without wearing a bra. I have the same two tidy dresses, I have three of the original six tops/tee shirts, the tee shirts get cut up for rags when they are badly stained, the tops cut up for sewing projects and have been replaced from charity shops so I still have six. A while ago I bought three vintage cotton skirts from Graig Trading via face book, these are cool to wear and dry quickly if I get wet whilst dog walking.

I have a lot more wardrobe space now but I have filled one cupboard with tinned food and long life milk etc and another one with yarn.


Frugally challenged said...

Now that really is a capsule wardrobe!

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Despite having lots of wardrobe space and plenty of clothes, i still wear a dmall range of clothing. Sometimes my brain just wants simplicity. I think that comes from having a uniform based job.

Moira said...

My husband and I are off on a cruise then four weeks in south America my luggage is a forty litre rucksack. Captain's cocktail party is leggings and a pretty top and beach sandals. Also covers nights in the bar and night club. We miss formal nights and eat all meals in the buffet. We spend our money enjoying ourselves not belongings.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...