Saturday, 17 December 2016

Big Girls Knickers On

DD2, the one who is nutty as a squirrels fart and works two jobs, has just heard she is to be made redundant from her night job in the new year, not just her, there are 142 people between the day and night shift and they are all losing their jobs in January.

She has just been offered 4 days extra work a her weekend job for next week. Her husband can't do childcare as he is also at work. I had my week off planned but hey ho, big girls knickers on, I can cram the jobs into this weekend and do the child care for her.

I don't have to, but I bought my kids up to work hard so it's the least I can do.


Anonymous said...

your a wonderful help to your kids how will they go on when you move ?

Lyssa Medana said...

What a time to learn you're losing a job. I hope she picks up something soon. I've said it before and I mean it, your kids are lucky to have you. x

Anonymous said...

I've never met you (but wish I had) - I think you're a superb person both as a mother and wife (even if your L&M finds your driving is a tad suspect)

Anonymous said...

What a trooper you are! Your family are all lucky to have you as Mum and Grandmother. It's great that the children spend time with someone who loves them and gives them great fun experiences. Catriona

Sharon said...

I hope she finds something soon. Great that she's taking the extra work and very nice of you to help out! That's what family is all about, I think.

galant said...

This is what good parents do, good on you, Hester! You couldn't live with yourself if you didn't help out, I know that. We parents and grandparents keep the country going, girl!
Margaret P

Margie from Toronto said...

How horrible to get that kind of news just before Christmas - I'll keep my fingers crossed that she gets something new in the New Year. And congrats to you for stepping in - it can't be easy for any of you but you really do stick together! Hope you manage to get everything done and not exhaust yourself too much.

Joy said...

Hester you deserve a medal. However much you love your grandchildren I know very well that sometimes when suddenly requested to take over child care the heart sinks even while the lips smile.

Sorry about loss of your DDs job though. That is an awful lot of gloom spread. It often happens at Christmas when the rest of the world appears to be having a whale of a time and it makes it seem much worse. Here's hoping a new job arrives pretty quickly.

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...