Sunday, 25 December 2016

Oh lucky me

 A set of soft handle crochet hooks.
 His & Hers sweatshirts, even though I did have to stand on a stool to get the logo's lined up.
 My Secret Santa gift.
Hand and nail care.


Anonymous said...

Hope you have a lovely day!

Anonymous said...

(I got 2 pkts of cigarettes, Peacocks 'lounge wear' (with the price label still on showing the original and the sale price & a book.)

Lyssa Medana said...

That mug is awesome and I need to get one!

I hope your Yule was awesome and that you had a great time with your family x

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...