Friday, 16 December 2016

Give me strength

Hardly have I recovered from my beloved's incursions into Windows 10 when I an beset with yet more problems, this time work ones.

On the first few days of every term every child in years 7, 8 & 9 at school is given their objectives for the forthcoming term, this means every child is given between 12 and 20 sheets of paper in assorted colours.

Someone, that will be me, has to print all these sheets. Unfortunately the information to go on the sheets is never available in time and so on the last two days of term I have to print around 12,000 of said sheets.

Today I had to start the print run, to make people aware that the machines would be busy I sent an all staff email. The email told ALL STAFF that my machines would not be available after 8:30 today and that they would need to use the machines that are situated elsewhere in the building.

By 9am three people had come in to use the copiers, they explained that they had read my email, but didn't think it applied to them, two more people came in because they hadn't read their emails and yet two more because what they wanted was important.


Lyssa Medana said...

hugs. It's like the quote from Terry Pratchett about gnomes. If you tell ten gnomes to pull, six will pull, two will push and two will stay pardon.

Sending protective vibes for your sanity x

Hard up Hester said...

Lol, yes, it's exactly like that!

Sheila said...

I just don't know how you keep your cool I really don't-x-

Hard up Hester said...

I didn't, I shouted at two staff members.

Sharon said...

There's always one. Well, in your case there's more than one! Hope the end of term is soon!

Sharon said...

Sigh. If I'd have read the post properly would have realised it was today! Hope you get to enjoy your break - certainly need it after dealing with the people there.

VickiEY said...

This must drive you mad! What also strikes me is the ridiculous waste of paper. Surely it isn't necessary to have a whole term's learning objectives in detail all at once? Also, whatever happened to modern technology? The students must have access to computers at school or at home for referring to said objectives and no doubt each classroom has an interactive whiteboard which the teacher can use to post each lesson's objective as a reminder. Don't want to talk you out of a job but it seems a bit archaic to me! Sorry that's the (retired) teacher talking, mutter, grumble, bah, humbug! Have a good break over Christmas. Regards, Vicki

Debdor said...

OMG, its not just my school then! I have some utter *uck Wits to contend with too...

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...