Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Oh bugger

I tried, I really did. I had to go to the local hospital today to collect new batteries for my hearing aids.
I had a few quid on me and I thought I might treat myself to lunch whilst I was in town....
It takes two buses to get to the hospital and unfortunately as I was walking from one bus stop to the other the local fabric shop accosted me, just leapt out in front of me, stopped me getting on the bus and insisted I popped in.
I was very restrained, I only spent £8, I bought a small amount of black fleece to make a teddy for DGD Norah, we made one a few months ago and it fell out of my car and got lost. I also bought a few cotton remnants as DGD Suzy has  a doll that is naked and needs some clothes.

As I stepped out of the fabric shop the wool shop next door started to sob, upset that I had visited the fabric shop but was not visiting it's lovely woolly interior. Well it would be rude to just walk on by wouldn't it!
A ball of orange yarn, the one colour missing from my cushion covers, two balls of fluffy eyelash wool as DGD Eileen want's me to knit her a guinea pig and one ball of variegated that was going to sulk if I left in on the shelf!


Witch Hazel said...

Fabricland? Not surprised you couldn't go past!

Miriam said...

Did you know that most doctor's surgeries can supply hearing aid batteries which can save you a trip to the ENT at the hospital. My DH found out about this,asked at our Doctors and goes there now.

galant said...

Knit a guinea pig? I've heard it all now. I reckon you've been stampling the "Christmas cheer" a bit early, Hester!
Margaret P

Sharon said...

LOL. Sounds just like the craft shops I know. They seem to pop out of nowhere and I just seem to fall into them. Once there, how can I resist?

Hard up Hester said...

Yes Witch Hazel and Rosie's wools is next door.

Some of them do Miriam but not ours unfortunately.

Stone cold sober Margaret, honest, it will just be a case of knitting a triangle and sewing it together, then adding buttons for eyes.

Sharon, I can resist anything except temptation, as Oscar Wilde said.

TrishWish said...

Give in to that kind of temptation every time. Its not like chocolate. It will not add to your waistline!!And the teddy will be loved - just make it a woolly leash to stop it getting lost next time!

Winters End Rambler said...

I'd say the fairies whispered in your ear...but you were on the way to fetch hearing aid batteries so maybe the spending devil grabbed you and dragged you in instead?!! x

Hard up Hester said...

That's true Trish, I won't get fat on fabric and yarn.

It was the spending devil WER, I'm sure of it.

Lyssa Medana said...

You live near a Fabricland?!?!?!?! I would be certified bankrupt! Is it as good as it looks? It looks like the fabric equivalent of catnip for Sybil.

Also it is incredibly bad luck not to visit a wool shop. You can't take the risk.


Hard up Hester said...

Lyssa, it's not that big but there is so much wonderful stuff in there.

Kim @ Him, Him Me said...

Resistance is futile - I know this because I have tried to resist, not very hard but I have tried! My hubby now recognises the glazed look that comes over me whenever I find anything remotely craft like and takes himself off to the nearest eatery, with the instructions to"ring me when you've finished and I'll pick you up! so I just do as i'm told for once!

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...