Sunday, 4 December 2016

What a weekend

We had DGS12 to stay on Friday night and I took him home on Saturday morning.

As DD2's car is in for repair I picked him and his sisters up again and bought them back to our house about 4:30 as DD & SIL were going to a Christmas do.

We made some paper chains and did some colouring in for a while and then I made an assortment of sandwiches and other nibbly bits for tea.

Then we started putting them to bed in relays, I took them up one at a time to get them washed and their teeth cleaned, my L&M stayed downstairs and played hangman and battleship with the others.

Suzy went to bed at 6:30, Eileen at 7, Norah at 7:30. By 8 all was quiet, they had their stories read, they each had a hot water bottle and their chosen cuddly toy.

DGS is allowed to stay up later as he is 12 now  and anyway he had to sleep on the sofa as I don't have enough beds for everyone.

I went to bed around 10ish and DGS settled down to sleep.

At around 10:30 Eileen came in to ask if I would sleep in her bed with her, she doesn't sleep as well as the others so I got into bed with her.

At 11:15 I woke up because she was crying, she wasn't properly awake but was very upset. Turns out she has earache, poor little scrap.

We got dressed and drove to her house to get some Calpol, when we got back I dosed her up and we went back to bed, she had trouble getting back to sleep but managed to drop of eventually.

The children were all up by 8am and I provided an assortment of breakfasts, cereal, toast, scrambled eggs and bacon sandwiches.

We then made a lovely mess making and icing some biscuits, I took the children home at midday as my son in law had lunch ready for them.


Lyssa Medana said...

Hugs. Your grandchildren are lucky to have you. Take it easy on yourself. That sort of disturbed night is hard to get past. x

PS I bet the biscuits were amazing!

Sue in Suffolk said...

Calpol.....the wonder medicine, will you keep some in your cupboard now? Hope you catch up on lost sleep

Joy said...

Aw Hester. St Peter will be up there sticking gold stars against your name like crazy.

Sharon said...

A lot of work - and not any more rest for you - but lovely to spend time with the grandchildren. They will have such great memories of the time spent with you and nothing tops that!

galant said...

And that was your weekend, when most people try and relax, har, har! But well done you on looking after your grandchildren, and entertaining them splendidly, and looking after the poorly one, too.
Margaret P

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...