Monday, 5 December 2016

Family tradition

My daughters have started a family tradition.
When my children were young I struggled with very little money, one thing they rarely had was pyjamas, they usually slept in tee shirt and pants. I struggled to keep them clothed and pyjamas were an unaffordable luxury.

My mother in law would buy nightwear for her other grandchildren but not for mine, we'd had the temerity to move away and she always swore to starve us into returning. She blamed me for the move but actually it was her son who knew it was the only way to promotion. It didn't work, we never did move back but it made life even more difficult, we weren't hard up, my husband was just extremely tight fisted.

Anyway, I digress, because I couldn't afford pyjamas for the children we have reams of photo's of Christmas morning with the children opening their presents whilst dressed like tramps.

Having seen the photos and understood the significance, my daughters have started a tradition where every child receives a gift that they open Christmas eve. They get new pyjamas and a pack of chocolate coins.

This year Lizzie's car has broken down and this has cost £300, so she now can't afford the new nightwear, fortunately I received some Tesco vouchers, I managed to buy four pairs of pyjamas for £2.50 after using the vouchers.


Mac n' Janet said...

You're obviously a much better Grandma.

Anonymous said...

Love and good memories is much more more important than clothing: I'm certain which the kids preferred and benefited from.

I think you're a bit hard on yourself - from what I've gleaned you're an inspiration as a mother & grandmother!


Anonymous said...

I wish I was as good a grandma as you. You always seem to know what your fam needs and move heaven and earth to get it. Blessings

Sheila said...

You are one fabulous Grandma-x-

galant said...

Oh, what a lovely idea and a great tradition! Yes, one fabulous Grandma as Sheila says.
Margaret P

Sharon said...

Lovely tradition. Great bargain you got there too! It's nice you could help out when times are tough all over.

Lyssa Medana said...

It's great to have a real tradition, and your daughters are lucky to have you. x

Anonymous said...

So sweet of you,memories are made of this. Merry Christmas to you and all your family, I hope the new year is kind to you, Jo

Anonymous said...

What a lovely gift to give. Not only are you keeping up the tradition but also giving something cosy and practical too. Catriona

Linda Metcalf said...

You are a lovely grandma! Your kids and grands are lucky to have you. But that's just what we grandmothers enjoy...being there for them.

Witch Hazel said...

What a great tradition, and great that you were able to help. I just don't understand why some mothers-in-law are so mean! I've been really lucky, my MIL is wonderful.

Hard up Hester said...

My second MIL was lovely, she died last year, my first is still going strong, she has dementia and cannot tell her arse from Tuesday but she still can be nasty to people.

JanF said...

This is really special. I agree with other comments, you are a super grandma!

Winters End Rambler said...

What a kind Grandma...the best kind! x

Hard up Hester said...

Well this time next year I'll be skint so I may as well do it while I can

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...