Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Another literary gem from the solicitors

On Monday I received an emailed copy of my completion documents.

They were incorrect!

Today I received this.

Good Morning,

Please find attached amended completion documents.

The broker fee of £XXX was not included on your initial paper work.

Please note the funds come in after 4pm yesterday so will be in your account by close of business today.



And she spelt my address incorrectly, I now live near the River Themes, what theme I'm not sure!


galant said...

This is dire!
Margaret P

Sooze said...

And this from Solicitors.....just incredible.

justjill said...

The funds COME in. Ye Gods. Law Society?

Hard up Hester said...

Terrifying isn't it, I can't wait to be rid of all contact with them.

galant said...

PS Oh, I love "River Themes" Handel's Water Music, perhaps? Singing in the Rain?
Margaret P

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I despair at the illiteracy of some people and their speech isn't much better either.

Joan (Wales)

Jane said...

I have a particular dislike of 'KR'. How difficult is it to type another 9 letters?

Lyssa Medana said...

I bet they don't even use spell check. Mind you, spell checkers aren't everything.


Which is why brain cells are required to be fired up before pressing 'print'...


kelley said...

oh seriously...someone gets paid to do this...

Hard up Hester said...

That is so funny Lyssa

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...