Wednesday, 7 December 2016


This weekend we are starting to view properties, I'm nosy, I will enjoy it.

We won't waste anyone's time, we will only look at the sort of places we can afford.

Maybe we will find what we want, maybe we won't, time will tell.


Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed for you (& yours): hope things work out for you.


Sharon said...

Good luck! Here's hoping you find something that 'speaks' to you.

Lyssa Medana said...

Wishing you loads of luck! x

The Love Of Nostalgia said...

Good Luck. Sometimes you just get the right feel in a house. I hope that happens to you. Jane xx

Sue in Suffolk said...

Good Hunting.
Wish someone would view this bungalow and buy it,I'm sick of being told it's too small!.....WE KNOW!

galant said...

Oh, best of luck finding your ideal property (or even approximating your ideal property as seldom is everything perfect) at the right price.
Margaret P

saraband said...

When we downsized 5 years ago, I knew within 30 seconds of entering our house that it was where I wanted to live. As Jane says, sometimes you just get the right feel ....
Good luck with your intended move - I know how much emotional and physical energy it takes.

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...