Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Too many beeps

At 6:30 am I was parked in the car park nearest to the local sorting office.

The sorting office's usual opening hours are 8 - 2, most inconvenient for me as I work 7:30 -2, but as it is nearly Christmas they have altered their opening hours to 6:30 -1:30.

I had a card through the door telling me there were three parcels awaiting collection from the sorting office, hence my early arrival in the car park.

I walked to the sorting office, collected my parcels and returned to my car, there were only two other cars in the car park and both were parked some distance from me.

I started the engine, threw the car into reverse and shot out of my parking space, beep beep beep, I slammed on the brakes as I thought it was my reversing alarm warning me of something behind me.

Then I realised, it was my hearing aid, beeping to warn me that the battery was failing!


galant said...

Chris's hearing aid battery runs down like an arpeggio on the piano, not a beep, beep, beep which could be alarming as you found out this morning!
Margaret P

Anonymous said...

Love it! Catriona

Debbie in the U.P. said...

I got a good chuckle out of that!

Sharon said...

Thanks for the laugh! Oh the joys of getting older...

Anonymous said...

This happens to me in parking lots too! Am always looking for the heavy equipment about to junk my car!!! Best regards! ldc

It's arrived.

Flis, the new fridge freezer has arrived, it's been sat in the kitchen waiting for the gas to settle. It's three hours now so I'...