Saturday, 4 May 2019

Heaven forbid

That I should find something amusing.

Let's face it my life is so easy and enjoyable.

This week a relative has received a cancer diagnosis.

An old friend has been involved in a bad crash and is still in hospital.

Another friend has been medically retired as his ankles have crumbled.

My ex tenant is still not happy with her new landlord.

I'm trying to support a neighbour who may become homeless soon through no fault of her own.

I'm short on sleep and still dealing with the ongoing health problems CHS is dealing with, he is still waiting for an appointment that was promised five months ago.


justjill said...

Well I find you totally amazing. And you do have a wicked sense of humour that has cheered me many times. Stay strong. x

BMW said...

You have definantly had a lousy week. I hope things improve quickly. Hang in there.

Carol Caldwell said...

Stay strong. Sending you a hug.

Jean said...

I'm so sorry for all your bad news. I hope things improve.

Allegra said...

I love your sense of humour. I am having a pretty shitty time right now and you made me laugh with your last post, so thank you. x

Sue in Suffolk said...

Oh good grief ...........what a week. I guess a day at a time is the only way to go and I reckon you can cross your ex tennant off the list.
Sending some positive ((vibes)) to you in the hope they help.

Ann said...

What a terrible week for you! Hope things improve for you and perhaps some nice news will make its way to you :)

Siebrie said...

I wouldn't worry about the ex-tennant; if she had been a better tennant, she wouldn't have had a new kandlord!

kelley said...

love your sense of's probably what's keeping you sane..working in a hospital ER can be very depressing..I have to make sure and take pleasure in my one and only life and by helping others it lifts some of the sorrows..


Last week I went to lunch club and when this week's lunch was arranged I offered to cook the main course. I spent this morning preparing...