Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Say that again

Someone at stroke club asked me recently when my beloved would be able to start driving again after his stroke.

I explained that he gave up driving over 30 years ago after an industrial accident.

One of the volunteers joined the conversation to explain that her husband didn't drive because is 6 ft 4, she told us it was illegal for him to drive at his height.

I nodded and smiled politely, at the same time wondering what planet she's from.

I had a lodger who was 6 ft 7 and he certainly drove a car.


Joan (Devon) said...

I have a nephew who is 6'4" and he drives. First time I've heard that ridiculous excuse/reason.

justjill said...

I know quite a few people who live on that planet! Sound so convincing too. Away with the fairies.

A Heron's View said...

How did you keep your face straight ?

Hard up Hester said...

Mad isn't it.

Herons View, years of practice, years and years of practice!

kate steeper said...

he he... mines judged medically fit to drive but forgets where hes going....its great every journey is a mystery tour

Pauline said...

Oh this really made me laugh! Perhaps she meant he can't drive cause he is 6 ft under!

Pauline, New Zealand

Carol Caldwell said...

Never heard that before. Easier to understand legs to short to reach the peddles. Well done for keeping a straight face.

Col said...

My husband and son are both 6’4”, and they both drive!
Well done on keeping your face straight, I'm not very good at hiding my thoughts, my face is always a giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Some people who have had a stroke have symptoms similar to dementia. That may have been the case with the person you spoke to. It isn't really kind to say they're from another planet or away with the fairies (the latter from a commenter)
I know you said she was one of the volunteers but volunteers are sometimes people who have had a stroke themselves.
People are so quick to judge, perhaps they should imagine themselves in another's shoes.

Hard up Hester said...

Except that the person I was talking about hasn't had a stroke!!

Twiggymoon said...

And some folks are just full of bullshit too 😱😄

lynda said...

Simply speechless!! Too tall to drive? What rock
do these people live under!!

LameWolf said...

I had a colleague years ago who was 6'11", and if he hadn't been able to drive, he couldn't have done his job.
Some people sure do need to sit down and give their mouth a chance!


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