Friday, 10 May 2019

No shit Sherlock!

So I'm thoughtless for not realising that someone who has had a stroke could have dementia like symptoms!

Realise it? What the fuck do you think I'm living with 24/7.

It might get better, it might get worse, it might stay the same, nobody knows.

Yesterday we visited an old friend who is in hospital after a crash.

This friend is the least empathetic person I have ever met and he acknowledges this.

During the visit CHS went to the toilet, his friend looked at me and said ' How the fuck do you cope?'.

It says it all if even he can see a problem.


Carol Caldwell said...

I notice it's always anonymous whenever there are negative comments and no sense of humour whatsoever!

Rambler said...

'Anonymous' seems to do the rounds of various blogs, looking for comments they can find fault with and then preaching to the unfortunate person who made the comment. Isn't this what they call a TROLL???? Get a life, Anonymous and stop interfering in other people's lives.
Hester, you have the patience of a Saint!!! But at least you now know and understand the workings of a solar panel!! Lol, lol.

Anonymous said...

I think there are various anonymous people posting ,it’s not all me.
People are trying to say why add to your stress and strains
By living such a lifestyle . Make life easier for yourself

Sue in Suffolk said...

Anon above - you just can't help it can you?
Just for a change why not leave Hard Up Hester alone and come and put some comments on my blog. I'd love that! BTW I would just delete them.

justjill said...

I also delete all anonymous comments. Some people put their name on and dont have a blog so they get published also. Love your header by the way! Sherlock x.

Twiggymoon said...

I think I’m missing something from anonymous.... I don’t get what you mean to Hester by saying “living such a lifestyle”.... ? How do you make life easier when your partner has a stroke? My partner had one in 2017 so if you have any wonderful words of wisdom, I’d love to hear them? Especially if it makes “life easier”.
Keep you chin up Hester, you’re doing a great job xx

Hard up Hester said...

Thank you Twiggymoon, it's not an easy ride is it.

Pat said...

Anonymous - I'd like to hear your wonderful words of wisdom too, as Twiggymoon says above. Although I doubt that any words could make "life easier." But if you're such an expert do tell me how I could improve my life living with a husband with dementia.

Keep plodding on Hester.

Margie from Toronto said...

My best friend's mom and another friend from church's husband both have dementia. They are well loved and looked after to the best of the carer's ability and each carer has help (professional & family) - but even with all that - it is an exhausting job and it takes it's toll on the caregiver both physically, mentally and emotionally.
I have nothing bit admiration for those like Hester & Katie (at Katie's recycle) who care for husbands who suffer from dementia or have had a stroke. We should offer nothing but support.

kelley said...

as a caregiver you do your best moment to moment and try to let the painful words and actions slide off you..but caregivers are exhausted humans who need support, not criticism...dementia and stroke patients are struggling to live in their own unique worlds and mostly nothing makes them happy or even settled most of the time..from personal experience as a daughter and medical will the trolls just crawl back under their rocks

ShellyC said...

Working with Stroke patients, relatives were always saying that he/she has changed so much mentally. They are nothing like they used to be. Some people having mellowed considerably or turned nasty. I often wondered to what extent their behavior did alter.
Then a very close older relative had a stroke, Oh my God did I learn how their personalities altered. From being not a nice person to a very nasty streak coming out.
How some relatives/carers keep their cool I do not know.
I sometimes think that I could have committed GBH or perhaps even murder at times. Not just to the sufferer but theses idiots giving out the advice. 'You just need to distract them, when they get nasty or violent'. Only so often can you keep on doing this.
Sometimes you have to walk away. So however you live your life it doesn't matter, just live a life you can cope with.
keep strong all of you.

Donna said...

Reading this .. freaking out at the possibilities in our future .. husband just had a TIA and the word is that 40% go on to stroke in the next few days. Watching close and trying to carry on as usual.

Hard up Hester said...

Try not to worry Donna, I know someone who had three tia's some years ago and has not gone on to have a stroke.


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