Wednesday, 22 May 2019

I wish I was Anonymous

I could have the most perfect life.

I wouldn't have made the mistake of marrying a man who 20 years later would go on to have a stroke.

I wouldn't have made the mistake of following a dream of living on a boat surrounded by nature.

I wouldn't have left a difficult marriage to find some happiness.

I wouldn't have given a rescue dog a loving home.

If I was Anonymous I could be some boring old fart, sorry, sanctimonious twat, who has so little going on in my life that I feel the need to criticise everyone else who has a life.

I suppose it's jealousy which is horrible, it eats people up inside but the only cure is to get out there, grab life by the balls and wring some joy out of it. Sitting at home, brooding on the unfairness of life and criticising others will just make things worse.

Yes I moan and whinge on my blog, it's my blog, I'm allowed to. Sometimes my sense of humour isn't understood, I'm sarcastic, acerbic and vicious at times. But if you don't like or understand it then feel free to move along to another blog. I can recommend a few where life is picture perfect and no one ever makes a mistake.

There are parts of my life that are full of joy, but if I wrote about my sex life I'd get arrested.


rosemarie said...

I do not have a blog, I live in Italy - I live a small life, but I so enjoy reading your blog, your ups and downs and wholeheartedly support your sense of humour, your style of writing and your way of life. Go girl - keep up the good work!!! Hugs from Ro xxx

Sue in Suffolk said...

I thought Mrs Anon had left you alone, she(I'm sure it's a she)popped in to see me once but hasn't been back.
I love your humour - and the boat blogging

cumbrian said...

Wonder what anonymous does for fun?

Islandmaid said...

🤣🤣🤣 Don’t you dare change you style of writing 👍

ShellyC said...

Don't change anything about yourself or your way of life.

Do you think it's someone from your former life, making trouble and mischief.

Anonymous said...

I think your blog is hilarious. It is a great way to get thru life when life tries to throw hardballs at you. I constantly tell husband about your life on the narrowboat. Ana USA

Sooze said...

Your blog frequently makes me laugh out loud, I love your sense of humour and honesty. It always makes me smile how the spiteful anonymous commenters are too cowardly to give their names. And in any case, if they don't like what they read, why read it at all?

Joan (Devon) said...

Since Ilona showed us how not to be Anonymous, I feel more that I 'belong'. As it is so easy to do I'm surprised that there are Anonymous people still out there.

I get the impression that you have a strong personality and can quite easily 'swat' the annoying little bug***s away.

Take care, we're all on your side.

justjill said...

I echo what others have already said.x

Patches said...

I have no idea if this will show as anonymous, with my name or not at all!

I just feel the need to let you know yours is one of the few blogs I follow and really enjoy. True, sometimes I don't see eye to eye with your opinions but it is rare and I wouldn't dream of criticizing!

We are all different and that's what makes other peoples lives interesting. I think that's why we follow blogs.

I love your sense of humour! Don't change - not that you would. Keep on just being you!

By the way, I love Jack Russels, I've had two in my time and the second one was almost renamed to Hudini! especially if there was a female in heat somewhere.

Take care of you and yours,


Carol Caldwell said...

As I have commented before, It's always anonymous comments that are negative. Too cowardly to add their name. I always think that if you don't have something positive to say then say nothing at all. I wanted to retaliate on the previous post that a dog escaping is an accident that happens to everyone at sometime and ended happily but I decided not to rise to the bait but now find myself unable to hold back. It is great that you have given a little rescue dog a happy home and you must ignore the shallow and spiteful anonymous and carry on being the entertaining and humorous writer that you are and that gets us all continuing to read and support a little when we can.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - she’s a little ray of pitch black isn’t she?

Joy said...

Anonymous is anonymous for a reason. Or possibly two reasons, shame and embarrassment.

Actually I quite enjoy reading his/her/it's posts. It is salutary to be reminded that there are still sad people out there with teeny, tiny apologies for minds.

Best Bun said...

Best Bun here

I have to applaud you because I have always been a little "out there" Went shopping with son and he had to stop me when I put a plunger on my head and was walking around the aisles singing. Went to see "Gangs of New York" and stood up at the end applauding Daniel Day Louis for his magnificent performance. Why be "normal"? I will now stand up and applaud you for being you!

Best wishes from Best Bun.

Pam in Maryland said...

Please, PLEASE, don't stop blogging! I just found you (through Weaver of Grass) and I love reading about your adventures. I live a very boring, retired life in Maryland (USA) and will never get to travel anywhere. The idea of living on a boat is interesting, but I get motion sick on a swing, so boating is out for me! Love the new pup. I have two is nine and the other is two.

Margie from Toronto said...

I hope that all the positive comments help in some small way to make you feel just a bit better. You are going through a really, really tough time right now and the fact that you still have your sense of humour speaks volumes to your inner strength.

Is there any sort of support group for you? A friend of mine is dealing with her husbands dementia and she goes to a support group that also offers a lot of practical assistance. I know it would be tough but you really do have to try to carve out a wee bit of time to yourself - for your own health and sanity. I hope that your husband will make his way out of this terrible stage and that the two of you can once again enjoy your life together.

Good luck.

Poppypatchwork said...

Wonderful post, totally perfect, well done.


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