Tuesday, 28 May 2019

I can't wear skirts but.

I bought three anyway.

I cannot wear anything round my waist, or what passes for a waist in my case.

This is because of various medical issues.

But I saw a online vintage shop selling Indian cotton skirts, they had six, they were £10 each including postage, I ordered three.

They all have drawstring or elasticated waistbands and the three I ordered all have  dark red or petrol blue in the colour scheme. My plan is to raid the charity shops and find some tee shirts that go with the skirts. I shall then stitch the skirts to the tee shirts to turn them into dresses.


Anonymous said...

What a great idea. Will be so comfortable, washable and inexpensive. Ana USA

readlisten said...

What a wonderful idea. I used to come up with clever ideas like that and occasionally even execute them. (I did always buy the materials.) Nowadays even the ideas elude me. Glad you had a nice break at the boat show.

AnjiDot said...

what a great idea, would never have thought of that.

Crafty red fox said...

Could you could hoick them over your chest and wear as a dress?

The Weaver of Grass said...

Clever idea.

Hard up Hester said...

I could Red Fox but I think they may fall off when I was working the locks

Twiggymoon said...

Crafty red fox, love that expression “Hoick them over your chest” 😂. It’s so nice when you find good cotton clothing. I find the older I get, the more I appreciate cotton. Most things are made from polyester which means I may as well be wearing a plastic black bin bag🙄.
Have a good week Hester xx

Siebrie said...

Twiggymoon, I find that not wearing manmade materials makes for easy shopping: I set one foot into a shop, see that they only sell plastic clothing, and am out again :)


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