Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Drizzly day

You know that thing, when it's damp out and it turns your hair frizzy?

It doesn't affect me, I have a lot of hair and wet, dry or damp it never becomes frizzy.

Beano's coat, on the other hand is severely affected by the damp. When he comes back in from a walk he looks like he's been dragged through  hedge backwards.

I'm keeping his brush on the shelf beside me and brushing him regularly.


LameWolf said...

I think there's something therapeutic about grooming a dog. Maybe I'm weird (stop snickering at the back!) but I love brushing my guest dogs. Which is just as well, as the two who stayed with me last needed a thorough brush every day.

Hard up Hester said...

I think grooming and stroking are meant to reduce blood pressure.

Islandmaid said...

Hester, it appears that someone from Mumbai is offering to escort Beano 🤣🤣

Seriously though, I think giving Beano a good bush helps him bond to you too he is such a cutie x

Islandmaid said...

Or a brush 🙄

LameWolf said...

Islandmaid, the bush is probably for him to pee against! :-D

Hard up Hester said...

Love it IM and LW, so funny.

Col said...

We used to have a Bearded Collie who loved to roll in leaves on her woodland walks. It was hard enough to get the foliage out of her coat when the weather was dry, but wet long haired dog combined with wet leaves was an absolute nightmare!
When she was freshly brushed and groomed, she looked like the perfect example of her breed, but most of the time she looked like an old rug! It wasn't for the want of trying, we used to groom her at least every day, but as soon as we had her looking gorgeous, she's flip onto her back and squirm until she undid all of our hard work!!!

LameWolf said...

Col, you have my sympathy. There's nothing worse than when you've just bathed and dried the dog, and got her all lovely and sweet-smelling, and the first thing she does when she gets outside is to find something disgusting like a cowpat, or fox poo, or as happened to a friend of ours with his Labrador, a rotting dead fish to roll in.

Carol Caldwell said...

Why do dogs love to roll in smelly things!


Last week I went to lunch club and when this week's lunch was arranged I offered to cook the main course. I spent this morning preparing...