Saturday, 4 May 2019

Thank you

For all your supportive comments.

Allegra, I hope things improve for you soon

There is something else rumbling along underneath that I cannot write about because there are legal issues involved.

Moving day tomorrow, weather permitting, we can move in the cold and rain though it isn't pleasant but if the wind is blowing it makes moving very challenging.


Anonymous said...

It must be very demoralising living the way you do , I’m sure you regret selling the house every second . I’m so sorry x

justjill said...

I bet you dont regret selling the house. I wouldnt. You are living your dream. I know there are problems but thats something to hold on to. Good on you.

Margie from Toronto said...

I hope things are a bit better this week. You do sound exhausted - too much time spent looking after other people - please take care of yourself a wee bit.

PS - some folks just have no sense of humour - ignore them!

Anonymous said...

I hope you managed to move. Is there no way you could afford to move to even a one bed flat to get some kind of life back?

Col said...

My God, ‘Anonymous’ is being an utter fuckwit aren't they?
Oh, they're ‘so sorry’ that you ‘had to’ sell the house. They're not sorry, for anything, least of all kicking you when you're down!
Now they expect you to move to a one bedroomed flat, and insinuate that you couldn't afford to, just making the most of their time as a sad little keyboard warrior!
I have a comment for ‘Anonymous’ "Take your ridiculous attitude, vile comments, ugly mind, and no doubt even uglier face, go out and make something of your life, and shut the Hell up!"
They're truly pathetic Sue, take no notice of them, they're not worth the time, energy or oxygen!
I await the inevitable complaints about my use of the word 'Fuckwit', so I'll give them something to complain about, fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck, wank, bastard, bugger, piss and shit! Oh and an extra fuckity fuck for good measure! X

Pat said...

I hope the weather is kind to you for your move.

It's hard times for you just now but, if you can, take some comfort that your legal problems will come to an end and stroke symptoms can greatly improve over time. Some of us are dealing with worse things. There are so many things that can only get worse, motor neurone disease, parkinsons, dementia, to name just a few. So many people are dealing with life changing and terminal diagnoses from cancer and other diseases.
Here it's Alzheimers, Parkinsons and Parkinsons dementia. The present isn't good and the future is grim.
It's hard to think rationally after very little sleep every night. Night after night and day after day, an endless grind of life that's no longer normal. Added to that losing the person I once knew is heartbreaking. I hardly recognise this stranger that's taken his place.
Best wishes to you and I hope better prospects are in the future for you.


Last week I went to lunch club and when this week's lunch was arranged I offered to cook the main course. I spent this morning preparing...