Saturday, 18 May 2019

There is a reason

Why we got a dog.
CHS has developed a penguin like waddle since his stroke but I noticed when he walked DD1's dog he walked normally.
Having a dog of our own means he walks regularly as he takes the dog out, he also walk properly and doesn't waddle, the more he walks properly the better it is for him.


justjill said...

Thats brilliant! You have cheered me up no end. Had a foul day. So thank you.

Jean said...

Dogs are amazing at helping all sorts of problems.

jeannemarie said...

He's a cutie!!

Hazel (Witchhazel) said...

Oh he's just gorgeous! He's landed on his paws with you, what a great addition to your crew :-)

Linda Metcalf said...

Amazing what animals can do for us...great job!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic little doggie there. Bet he'll really enjoy your travels. Mary

Sue in Suffolk said...

That's such good news about the walking
Good company too and people always stop to talk to others with dogs so that will help perhaps as well

Patty said...

I read your blog but naughty me has never commented! I just love this little guy that you adopted! Can't wait to hear how he likes being a sailor.


Last week I went to lunch club and when this week's lunch was arranged I offered to cook the main course. I spent this morning preparing...