Friday, 17 May 2019

Our new crew member

We've spend the last couple of weeks visiting an animal rescue centre, they had a lovely JRT cross who needed a new home.  He was dirty, skinny and scared when we first met him, but look at him now! Wednesday was his first day with us and within a couple of hours he was asleep in the sunshine on the back deck.
 Today was his first boat trip, we fitted his lifejacket and put his bed under the tiller, within a very short time he knew he had to go in his bed when the boat was moving.

He is actually asleep in both these photo's, in fact sleeping is his favourite hobby!
He prefers to sleep on his back with his feet in the air.

Nothing is known about his history but he is good with people, children and other dogs. 
He rarely barks but cries if he is left alone.
He must have been someone's pet as he is housetrained, walks nicely on his lead and recognised the sound of the fridge door opening as soon as he arrived.


Mrs LH said...

Aah that's made my day! Always love to see rescues getting good homes. I hope he has fun aboard with you. (What a shame he ended up in rescue in the first place though!)

The Weaver of Grass said...

I think you have made a wise choice there - and he has too.

jan b said...

Made my day as well. Well done, lovely little dog. Keep us posted on his progress. Janx

shadypinesqltr said...

Lovely little dog. What's his name?

justjill said...

Ahhh, he is lovely. Well done rescuing the wee chap.

Miriam said...

Lovely little lad. Does he have a bit of spaniel in him as that is a traditional Spaniel sprawl that he is doing in the last photo.

Pat said...

He's lovely! We rehomed a rescue JRT 8 years ago and I love him to bits. He doesn't like other dogs but otherwise he's great. I can't imagine life without him, he's such a cuddly little chap. He slept a lot when we first got him, he must have been exhausted from being in kennels as he's so nervous with other dogs. Good luck with your little chap, he looks to be completely at home already.

Pat said...

Forgot to say... I'm sure you know about dogs already but a couple of tips about leaving him alone, we always leave the radio on for him and leave him with a couple of treat stuffed toys.

Hard up Hester said...

His name is Beano. We have no idea if there is any spaniel in him, he looks like a long Jack Russell.
Pat when I said we leave him alone I only meant when we both left the boat to work the lock.
He is currently asleep on my lap.

Chris said...

He is very cute. I think you lucked out with your choice!

50 and counting said...

Rescues are the best!

If only they could tell us our stories.

Enjoy your lives together.

Sue said...

So happy you have all found each other. Beano looks like he is settled in already. So cute!

Jackie said...

What a lovely fur baby. So well behaved.

lynda said...

Congratulations!!! He's lovely!!

Susan Heather said...

Wonderful - what a lovely little dog.

Twiggymoon said...

Oh he is gorgeous! I have two JRT's,and a staffie x (with a whippet!) all rescue and we wouldn't be without them. Mine sleep on their back often, and really it's a good sign as he's exposing his belly to you -apparently meaning he trusts you! Fabulous. I'm so pleased for you. Also it may encourage CHS with a wee bit of walking? Fingers crossed. Beano may help more than you know xx

Carol Caldwell said...

Beano is adorable. It looks like he is just fitting right in. I am sure he will enhance your lives no end. I look forward to progress reports.

BMW said...

Your new puppy is a delght, so happy you gave him a home. He is the exact size for living with you on your boat. Now all you need is a cat. Smile. Enjoy your day and thanks for sharing.

Kathleen B said...

Beano looks adorable, I'm sure he'll be a great addition to the crew

Sandy in the USA said...

Aw your new crew member is 100% CUTE. He will be a great companion for you and CHS. It's lovely how our pets help us to bond together too. My hubby and I bond over our 2 cats seeing as how the kids have all grown and shoved off LOL Happy boating :)


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